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Reality of romance?

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Recently I met someone who I have strong feelings for. 

How much of love is real? Real in the sense that I feel this way - but after doing personal development / self help I am aware of narcissistic / codependent dynamics and the bullshit I have put myself through previously in similar situations.


This video talks about how love can be low status behavior, being overly subservient, scarcity mindset and obsession on one person.


Personally I would say I have resolved some of my issues regarding relationships. I am capable of getting other people. I do like this person moreso than others. 

Am I over thinking it and trying to analyze it? Or should I be aware of this

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It is fucking real!

If you are able to separate romance from neediness and codependence it will be a level up. True romance was lost in our culture for being confused with superficialities, attachment, and neediness. 

From my perspective, romance is a superpower. Don't suppress it. But if your feelings for this specific person are going in a bad direction, don't get lost. Be able to let go, don't be scared, and move forward. In the future, you'll be able to have the same feelings for someone else. 

Reflect upon the idea that the ability to love someone is far more powerful than any pickup line or manipulative behavior. Be honest about the love and responsible about the neediness. 

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