
The Mind Illuminated and Slow Contemplative Reading

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I read this meditation book slowly, like 1 pg/7 minutes. I like to contemplate while reading and make conclusions, underline and take notes. For example, I think this conscious awareness dynamic is something to contemplate about and it is something I like to imagine about. 

"Think of consciousness as a limited power source. Both attention and awareness draw their energy from this shared source. With only a limited amount of energy available for both, there will always be a trade-off between the two. When attention focuses intensely on an object, the field of conscious awareness begins to contract, and peripheral awareness of the background fades. Intensify that focus enough, and the context and guidance provided by peripheral awareness disappears completely. In this state, awareness can no longer ensure that attention is directed to where it’s most necessary and beneficial. This is like wearing blinders or having tunnel vision. We simply don’t have enough conscious power to continue to be aware of our surroundings while focusing so intently on the object.

(Page 63). "

For the readers of TMI, how fast do you guys read? Sometimes I read it so slow that I get worried about the speed of my progress, but I dont want to miss the details.

Edited by ucan99
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