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Real Gold Found Last Night

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Hi there, I just wanted to share about a beautiful experience I had last night. 

My coworker invited me to go roller skating at a local park, where they turn the basketball courts into a roller skating rink with a dj. And even though I've been working hard on squelching my social anxiety, there's still a haunting bit of it that always prevails in the back of my mind. Nevertheless, letting go did happen, and I had a great experience.

But most importantly, what I witnessed that night was so much good that it overflowed my heart. There was a mother of 4 who brought so many snacks and cold drinks for everyone at the park, regardless of if they were skating or not. There were people of all ages, and skating abilities interacting together, sharing their good vibes and knowledge of skating with each other. I'm pretty new to roller skating, and was generously instructed on various beginner skating techniques. It was truly magical, and I felt like I stumbled upon real true gold. 

I feel like my local community cooked up a bounty no corporation could ever dream of providing for humans. Real love, real caring, nothing but good at that park that night. It gives me some much needed hope in continuing my journey to self actualize.



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