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Today I have clarity......

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This happens. Some days thinking is obscured and answers hidden. Other days, seemingly randomly, everything is clear.

I wonder if this is normal? That a person's clarity comes and goes...

This is already everything... When you think about entering another person's body/mind you are thinking character level, not background level. The character is a limited thing.

Movie playing on a screen: Magically sentient character wishes to become another character, or become the screen. The screen is already whole and undivided. The sentient character is a limited form upon it. The character cannot become the screen AS the character because it already is it. It cannot become another character because the other character is a separated limited form appearing on the screen. The character's apparent limitation can disappear when you grab the remote and turn the TV off. When the appearance of limitation is gone.

Your character (= an appearance) cannot be limited and unlimited at the same time. For the "character" to be unlimited it ceases to actually exist at all, so the apparent limitation vanishes, leaving only the screen upon which the character appeared... But the character is at that point not there anymore... But even when the character WAS there, the screen still was present and whole, despite the apparent limited form. The sense of limitation itself is created by the appearance of these forms, which all of us are. It is not actual, even though one form cannot become another form or the screen as a whole.

There is only ever the screen and everything that is on it is a limited, finite form within it. It would not be quite right to say that when the limited form disappears it becomes the screen, since it always was, but I don't know a better way to word it....... I think that is close enough.

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Also... Characters don't have experience, awareness has experience. You are not a character experiencing awareness and the world around you. You are awareness experiencing a limited character... This character is finite...

The question of why you are limited to this body and not another, is a character-level question. The character is asking this question, not the sheer nothingness which you know yourself to be when you say you are conscious.

That is why I said, for the limitation to vanish, the finite character would cease to exist. All form is by necessity LIMITED and FINITE. And then when you cease to exist you "become" all of infinity, even though you ALREADY ARE like the screen behind a movie... But from character-level this explanation is I think the best...

Watch the current thought in your head (one of the finite elements which make up your "character") disappear. The thought became nothingness, it became infinity. You are nothingness. Awareness is nothingness. The thought was finite and yet it appeared in the nothingness which is whole and complete. When the thought lost its limitation (the limit which allowed it to appear as a particular thought to begin with), it became nothing again. Which is what is observing your finite character. That is what happens when limitation vanishes. The thought or character does too. They return to the sheer awareness (= nothingness, that without finitude) that you are.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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2 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

This happens. Some days thinking is obscured and answers hidden. Other days, seemingly randomly, everything is clear.

I wonder if this is normal? That a person's clarity comes and goes...

Yes it's normal. The swinging back and forth between clarity and confusion tend to happen in the beginning. Just let go of wanting to hold on or resist any of the states.

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