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Striving for more

Hollow Repetitive Content & Hate Watching

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I feel guilty sharing this guy's channel, he does more harm than good & I don't watch him anymore...

But I was intrigued to give him a check in. 

Yet again, he's talking with 2 PUA's (James Tusk & the other guy) (2 guys with average game teaching pick up, but they seem like nice guys at least). 

Now, this video isn't valueless per say & there may be some nuggets ... But I've seen a basic replica of this fucking video like 2 or 3 times before, all 3 of them basically saying the same things... these guys need some imagination, they just seem so dumb to me. 

I was apathetically skimming through it (Please don't waste your time) mostly because I slept 4 hours and didn't plan my day, but partially out of interest ... 

I did gain about 1% of value here or there, but most of it, THEY HAVE TALKED ABOUT & SAID THE SAME POINTS IN LIKE 2 + VIDEOS ALREADY. 


Especially James & the other guy, no wonder they have average game, with a dumb brain like that. 

Why are you repeating yourself lol? 

Does your mind ever think about anything new or interesting? 

Also, my biggest point ... This is all just mental masturbation, it's so obvious & common sense after a video or 2 & these guys bascially just lack imgaination, yes geo max answer recieved no need to make another video about it ... you boring fucking guy man. 

I should've become a content creator years ago, I'm so imaginative & creative that it's just really really difficult to understand that humans exist on this planet like this and talk about the same things in the same way like this with the same structure & energy and voice & blahblahhablah. 

My potential was always so high, I must let go of how much I wasted it, that is another path to depression & rumination. I still have some hope left. 

Another point, Spend 95% of your time just actually doing the things you need, not on these videos... So why does James Tusk keep churning out these videos?

A lack of imagination + survival needs, he needs to just spread his content to survive as a biz & content creator. 

That's why I'm getting rich manipulating the system & I'll create content out of inspiration not for money, the money can be a nice bonus but if I already make 20K/Month then it's not gonna be the driving factor. Let's be real tho, even if I was desparate for money I'd still be ultra creative, & These guys are still ultra boring & unimaginative & repetiitive & dumb af. 

I am hate watching again & I have to stop this habit, I have more creative & imaginative stuff to do with my life & brain. 

Edited by Striving for more

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