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3 Years Since LP Course

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Hey fellow actualizers!

I hope you're all doing just fine and fantastic. I definitely am!

It has been 3-4 years since I first took the LP course.

My mom bought it for me! Thanks mom!

But anyway!

After I finished the course, I have put in around a few hours of work and mental contemplation along with steering my life along the path of an artist career, which I decided to be musical after finishing the LP course.

I was specifically talking about being a 'Performing Artist'

I am blessed to announce, that after self-reflecting on the point here and my journey, it's incredible to realize that it's exactly what I've been doing.

Not yet generating much cashflow with my business efforts but I feel like the course is set, and that I am managing my energy properly.


I am going to add that taking a break from creativity helps too! Maybe a week or two of just chilling in ur house and watching some videogame streams or playing some games might do you a great favor! I'm going to do that right now ;).


This is one blissful path to take in Life.

Please buy the course guys!!


Also don't just buy it.

Make it the fucking focus!!


You will cry after. I promise.


Don Aapo

my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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