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Vincent S

Recontextualizations/Benefits after using Psychedelics/Meditation/Kriya Yoga

3 posts in this topic

What are the noticeable changes you have noticed/realized, been changed in your perception, (Recontextualized) after using Psychedelics/Meditating or doing Kriya Yoga?
(This thread is NOT intended to be a debate about which method is better, and there being a big debate about Psychedelics vs Meditation. This is purely about the noticeable benefits that you have noticed for yourself. If you would like to share, please do, if you want to debate, go do that in another thread.

Myself as an example:

  • I'm not being run by emotions and blockages so much anymore. Feel like so much unnecessary weight has been lifted of my shoulders.
  • I feel so much more calm, at peace and easy access to feel joyful, happy and even blissful.
  • Music and art are so much more enjoyable. Even more than before.
  • Food taste so much different.
  • Sensations are so heightened.
  • Sleep and rest has gone to another level. Sleeping has become an intense meditation practice. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I'm being swallowed by the ocean of Oneness. I feel my reality, body, life being dissolved in to it. In an intensely pleasurable way, almost like being on a 5MEO-DMT.
  • I see new pathways, new ways of seeing situations/things. New ways of thinking.
  • I feel like life is become more and more like a lucid dream.
  • Colors look so much more vibrant. Its like I was living in a more black and white, and I see so much more colors.
  • I see so much more Love in everything, I couldn't really see before.
  • I accept myself and other's so much more. And I am more forgiving/fearless to tackle the things that stop me from living in the Now.
  • I love and accept thoughts and see them as ways of accepting different parts of me that want attention. I look at the thoughts and no longer feel run by them.
    I understand that thoughts are there to open new ways and abilities to flourish in the future of our being. Thoughts and thinking is a stepping stone for a new reality. It's part of the "physical" evolution. Thoughts are there to help us transcend.
  • I'm so much more open to heal myself and to be able to be there to help other's heal as well.
  • I feel like I'm in a new reality. Almost like playing a game, and there being a new patch/expansion with so many more new features, graphic advancements, new things to do/new content, new territories to explore and updates to the character's accessibility. New talents and spells xD sorry I'm such a nerd.
  • I noticed myself being more available to see and access the creator side of Being. Duality dropping and, observer/creator and perceiver being more Merged together/Unified in to a more wholesome "experience".
  • I also noticed how different reality looks when it's not being looked at with underlying assumptions and beliefs. How deep things go, if you only Observe it and look at it for what it Is.

There are many more, I'm sure there will be many more "upgrades" coming in the near future. Not only for reality of our separate selves, but for Reality as a whole.


Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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I found that the present moment its far more important that all the bullshit that i was constructicting on my head,

its more enjoyable than any life purpose, career or anything than you can imagine. I was very very close to miss this and i am very happy that now i know what is really important.

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Psychedelics barely affected my experience of life, they only rattled my mind to a degree that caused me to pursue more Consciousness on day to day life. Of course, they granted me different perspectives which I learned a lot about mind and life and could integrate into regular life.

There is an exception to this: Ayahuasca. Every time I drink Ayahuasca I experience deep ego death and awakening, extremely psychedelic visions and connection with spirit animals. This both opens my emotional system and grant deep insights to what hinders my life. Ayahuasca was really transforming for me on an emotional level.

Edited by Batman

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