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Did Biden make a costly mistake with the American Rescue Plan?

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Some Centrist democratic economists such as Larry Summers and Steve Rattner, warned last year before the American Rescue Plan (ARP) was passed down party lines by the Democratic Congress and Biden, that the stimulus package was too big. They warned that passing a stimulus package as large as $1.9 Trillion in early 2021 just as the entire US economy was already on it's way to being fully reopened by the end of summer 2021, would more than likely contribute to significantly increasing the inflation rate within a year or so. Every economic expert within the Biden Administration, liberal economic experts not working for Biden, and all of the Democrats in Congress didn't believe that.

Right-wing economists and Republican congressmen have, as you would expect, been totally blaming Biden's ARP as being one of the main reasons for the 40-year high inflation issue that's been going in America for about a year now. Liberals like me of course rarely believe in what anyone on the right says. However, Summers and Rattner were some of the very few moderate democratic economists who turned out to be right all along.

Additionally, as of today, Vox just put out an article of theirs that mentions other economists who also think that Biden's ARP really did contribute to the inflation issue in the US. No doubt has the inflation issue actually been a world wide problem for about a year now, even for practically every other 1st world country out there such as UK, the eurozone, Canada, etc. However, according to the economists in this Vox article, the American Rescue Plan caused America's inflation problem to be significantly worse than the inflation problems going on in each of the other 1st world countries:


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