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Excercise while experiencing GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux)

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Been having GERD for the past three days. Quite literally a living hell. Worst part is that I can't even get my exercise routine in. I tried going for a run the other day, towards the end I experienced a pretty severe acid reflux. For those who've been in my position, are there any exercises I can do that don't trigger my acid reflux/heart burn so severely?   

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It might be best to wait till it fades. Temporary flare-ups may happen every now and then, but if this is a common recurrence, it would be a good idea to get some medical attention. GERD can be caused by many things but for example exercising while still having food in your stomach can make it worse. 

Other common triggers can be particular foods, spices, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, citruses, fatty foods, dairy etc

Stress may induce GERD in some people as well. 

Hiatus Hernia is a common cause as well in case that hasn't been looked into. 

If it becomes too bad, pop an antacid and see if it helps over the longer term. If not, definitely speak to a doctor. 



“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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