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I will ask 1-3 questions a week and if someone answers something, I will read it, but I won't answer. Unfortunately, my questions might get a bit personal. I will probably want to thank you, but I cannot answer.

Edited by at_anchor

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So this week's questions are: 

1. People say that Karma exists. I think that Karma cannot be fair without reincarnation existing, because it's just a fact that when things go wrong and you experience injustices for no reason early in your life, you don't deserve it, and the people that do the injustices, they basically get away with it and then tell you that you got it because you deserved it and you choose it, etc. So Karma is is not some universal law that gives justice if there is only one life. Joseph Campbell said that it is not good to believe in reincarnation. The spiral dynamics book also that things can go wrong when purple believes in reincarnation, or red. But it won't hurt if I believed in it. Can you somehow show me the proof? If I do not exist, if I exist as an infinite number of possibilities and forms that get actualized or not, how can I get reincarnated? What am I? OR What is the ''I'' that gets reincarnated? The only way Karma could exist  without reincarnation and bring justice is if we were all one and when someone else does something wrong and Karma punishes someone other than that person, then it's actually just punishing that person. So does reincarnation exist and how can I validate it? Don't tell me to die. 

2. God exists or God doesn't exist. Does God exist as a powerful and omnipotent being who is aware of everything, does he have a form and a personality like Zews or Jesus or Shiva? Or is God just infinite energy, a dream like enrgy that really doesn't exist? Because the world exists, and it is either a dream, or it is a real place with God who is in the form of a conscious being or just dream like, magical energy that is like the mind in the brain. The mind is not in the brain though.  

3. What is the world going to be like in 3000 years?

Edited by at_anchor

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This week's questions are gonna be superstitious and unreasonable, so let's get over with that...

1. I want to know if it is reasonable to look at people's birth charts to see if they can tell something accurate about them, their character, personality, etc.?
2. Spiral dynamics is probably the best way we have of seeing if we are compatible with others, but I'm interested if there is even a slight probability that you can compare your dominant elements in your birth chart with someone else's to see how well you two can get along?
3. If I have an air and fire dominated birth chart, and I meet someone else that has an almost identical one, are we gonna be like twins?

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