
Vaccine - still worth it?

6 posts in this topic

I'm not an antivaxxer, but I don't have a vaccine yet. Various reasons, basically I am usually slow to make decisions, I react slowly to new things and I freeze under pressure. Also, I am young, 29, very healthy and rarely leave home. All those things kept me from getting it. My flatmate had covid and my boyfriend too and I was close to them and never got it. Now I am not opposed to getting it anymore, the pressure is gone, however, is it still worth it? Won't there be a different solution soon? Like pills or so? Thanks.

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Eventually, and ~fairly~ soon there will be more effective versions of vaccines, and some won't even require a shot--nasal spray forms are the most likely, I've heard.

Not here to berate you, but I would encourage you to introspect about the reasons you've listed. Maybe you're just lying to us about your reasons. That'd be fine. This is a forum of a bunch of strangers--you're not obligated to tell your truths on polarizing topics (though you did start the topic).

But if you actually believe those are your reasons for not getting it, I have a high suspicion you're lying to yourself. I say this because, at this point, being "slow to make decisions" or "freezing under pressure" really doesn't cut it. Vaccines and their associated data have been available for more than a year in most countries. Maybe your hesitancy is rooted more deeply in fear that you haven't investigated?

I hope my post doesn't come off as snarky or condescending. That's not my intent here at all. Just my observation of what I suspect is a post written in good-faith, and seeing an opportunity to, possibly, point out a blind spot for you.

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Risk of negative effects from getting it is quite low, but the benefits for your case are also pretty low at this point.

If you're healthy, not overweight, not immunocompromised, and you rarely leave the house, then even if you catch covid it will most likely be mild or asymptomatic. You say your bf and flatmate had it and you didn't catch it. It's highly contagious... unless you got tested and it came back negative, I'd say it's more likely than not you had covid-19 and were just asymptomatic.

For the Pfizer shot, it takes about 2 weeks to build your immunity. Just one shot only gives you about 82% protection. You can't get the second shot for 3 - 4 weeks afterward. Then I believe there's another dip in protection for a week or two after the second shot.

Also after 6 months, the effectiveness of the vaccine starts to wane. The Pfizer shot is only half as effective after 6 months. The Johnson&Johnson vaccine drops to 13% effectiveness after 6 months.

A 4th covid wave is probably coming this summer, so it might be worth the added layer of protection. If you were going to have a massive change in lifestyle where you started working in retail or something where you interact with the public every day then I think getting the shots would be worth it. But if you're going to mostly stay at home and only interact with 2 or 3 people, then I think the benefit is minimal.

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You might be immune despite not having visible symptoms. In this case your immunity after vaccination might be worse than before because of vaccine being outdated.

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11 hours ago, Roy said:

It's free and it gives an extra layer of protection for you and others. There really isn't any downside. I would stop overthinking and just get it.

But she never got it (or did but it didn't affect her much) while being intimate with her boyfriend and not so intimate with her flatmate.

Why would she do it?

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I would say no. I'm not vaccinated and I got covid by working with covid patients three weeks and I'm fine. I don't see the point for young and healthy people to get this thing and it sure as hell doesn't stop the transmission.

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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