
Just wanted to Journal

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Just wanted to journal here.

It's a beautiful day. Sunny. Getting warmer.

Got stuff on my mind that I wanna get done. 

Been watching videos on Self-Actualization, and Life Purpose and feeling inspired. 

Thank you for reading. Will be updating.

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When life gets too much sometimes, instead of wallowing in sadness, anxious thoughts and trying to resolve everything, you wanna let go and say, "Gee, I don't know!", haha. 

It's okay if you don't know. 

We like to control everything around us. But sometimes (or always) you wanna get out of the way of Life. Life is intelligent, trust it.



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Learn to say "So?". 

Simple yet powerful.

"So what?".

Now the world loses its power over you.

Your thoughts too. Self-judgement, self-condemnation, self-talk... After all, what is your biggest enemy but your own thoughts. 

You say "So?"

This question, as Sir David Hawkins says, negates the value of unnecessary, destructive thinkingness.


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Following video is one of my favorites from Leo.

I especially love the part where he talks about how we're so disconnected from survival these days, and the way we've domesticated ourselves. 

 (If you click on the video, it starts where he talks about it (8:16-20:25)) 


We have forgotten what it's like to be "on the Edge" everyday.

We have forgotten what it's like to feel Alive.

Why don't we take that back and choose to live an Engaged life

Why don't we choose to live a life where we're passionate everyday and exited to wake up every morning?

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My favorite ?. It makes me feel motivated and inspired. 

Don't have much to write today. I'd love to share some of my personal stuff but I'm not too sure about that too. I'm too timid, i guess.

Have a great day :)

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Importance of a life Principle

Do you have a life principle?

Following is a note from one of Leo's videos on values and principles (Life advice for young people part 2 i think):

The core values/principles to follow to live a good life:

  • Creativity
  • Heart
  • Love
  • Intuition
  • Independence of mind
  • Clarity of mind
  • Lifelong learning
  • Reading
  • Authenticity
  • Radical open-mindedness
  • Passion
  • Vision
  • Ambition
  • Purpose
  • Spirituality
  • Fearlessness
  • Truth
  • Raising your consciousness
  • Work ethic
  • Focus
  • The ability to concentrate your mind
  • Wisdom
  • Service to others
  • Selflessness
  • Solitude & self-reflection
  • Questioning
  • Curiosity
  • Going beyond materialism & survival 

Which one of them do you resonate with?

I personally love them. Of course i'm working on my own principles too. It's a work in a progress.

To my opinion, it seems that, even if you don't know what exactly it is that you wanna do in life, having a principle helps immensely. It guides you. We often like to think in terms of: "What do i wanna do?". We wanna think in terms of "How do i want my life to be?". Do i want it to be Passionate? Creative? Selfless? Spiritual? Joyful? You lay it out.


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I wanted to share a note I took from Leo's video. I still love watching his relatively old, motivational type videos as much as i love his newer, deep, metaphysical videos. The video's called:

“A Vision for the Self-actualized life - Get Yo Ass Inspired!” (part 1)

Self-actualization is:

  • The realization of one’s potentials, capacities, and talents
  • The fulfillment of one’s mission in life
  • A fuller knowledge of one’s intrinsic nature
  • Getting really in touch with your authentic self
  • Becoming a whole human being
  • An unceasing trend towards unity and integration within oneself

Maslow's two types of pleasures:

  1. Scarcity pleasure - relief that one gets from loss of tension and anxiety
  2. Abundance pleasure - ecstasy of functioning at one’s prime; the bliss you get from living an excellent, virtuous life, acing life

Self-actualization is an unceasing trend/pursuit of:

  • Humanity
  • Creativity
  • Knowledge
  • Fairness
  • Rationality
  • Playfulness
  • Authentic love
  • Virtue
  • Truth
  • Beauty
  • Feeling of joy
  • Deep gratitude & fulfillment with life

What’s possible for you:

  1. To feel Creatively alive every single day
  2. To turn your work into your top passion
  3. To make the most meaningful contribution that you can possibly make to the world
  4. To be a leader and be someone who’s inspirational to others
  5. To free yourself of your neurosis, fears, and other limitations
  6. To learn and master all the key areas of life (career, health, wealth, friendships, intimate relationships, self-esteem)
  7. To learn and master emotional development
  8. To learn and master family life


It continues though. I'll post the part 2 of my note later.



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The part 2 of the notes from:

“A Vision for the Self-actualized life - Get Yo Ass Inspired!” 

Kick-ass goals:

  1. Life where you never have to worry about money again
  2. Life where work is not work, but play and your greatest joy
  3. Developing full emotional control (conquering depression, anxiety, boredom, pain, suffering, anger, negative thinking, fear, etc)
  4. Becoming a grounded and emotionally imperturbable human being (Someone like Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism)
  5. Having a deep understanding of how the world works
  6. Really successful and fulfilling intimate relationship
  7.  Amazing sex (tantra, hypnosis, dominant sex, etc)
  8. Developing a core confidence (being sure of oneself, cultivating deep self-love, accepting one’s flaws and weaknesses)
  9. Traveling (savoring full richness of life)
  10. Physical vitality and energy
  11. Rich and rewarding friendships
  12. Becoming a leader of other human beings, being a role model
  13.  Being creative and advancing humanity in a meaningful way
  14. Breaking free of the rat race
  15. Living life with integrity (a life lived on principles for their own sake)
  16. Enlightenment (realizing the true existential nature of oneself, others, and reality)
  17. Having the time to contemplate and reflect on life (appreciate and see the beauty of life)
  18. Dying with a smile on one’s face

Steps towards self-actualization:

  1. Knowledge - accurate, high quality information. Invest 10% of your income on learning
  2. Start making small changes - eliminate toxic habits (start building a strong and healthy morning routine, change food habits, social media addiction, etc.)
  3. Find your life purpose 
  4. Become financially independent 


Hope you found my notes helpful. I personally love this particular video, because it sets the Vision for you.

But i'd still recommend you to watch the video if you're interested, because i can't script down everything that's said in the video. There's a lot more there.

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So I watched Leo's video that i really loved and left a deep impression on me, and i wanted to share some key takeaways from the video. In a way, what he talked about in the video really cleared up a lot of stuff for me. "Do you wanna honor life or not?". That's the message of the video in a nutshell. If the answer is yes, you'll have no motivation issues. The video resonates with you more if you're on the  self-actualization path. At least, that's what i felt. 

Key points/takeaways from the video "Motivational speech - October 2021"

  • Honor your life! Stop taking life for granted.
  • The core principle of life : LOVE for Reality/Life. In what way do you wanna love and honor life?
  • Find what you are the most fascinated about life and pursue it. Become a master at it. (In Leo's case it the fascination with the Mind/Consciousness).
  • Stop making excuses for yourself. You're the only one holding you back.
  • Start making baby steps.
  • Focus! Don't get distracted.
  • Listen to your heart/intuition. Take the right brain approach to life. Listen to what your higher self is saying. 
  • It will be difficult and lonely at times. Console and reassure yourself in those times. Have faith.
  • Ultimately, you don't take everything way too seriously. You realize it's a game. 

"To honor your life means that you make it your non-negotiable duty to find what you love most about life, and to do that thing on a regular basis. No excuses. This is not a luxury. This is the backbone for your entire life."




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Enlightenment Now

I wanted to share this excerpt about enlightenment from Sir David Hawkins.

If you're a spiritual seeker, you know how frustrating it can be when you view enlightenment as something to be attained in the future. But what if that's what's holding us back from enlightenment?



“Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying “OM.” It is right here, in this instant. The reason you’re not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you are trying to control the moment. If you let go of trying to control your experience of the moment, and if you constantly surrender it like a tone of music, then you live on the crest of this exact always-ness. Experience arises like a note of music. The minute you hear a note, it’s already passing away. The instant you’ve heard it, it’s already dissolving. So every single moment is dissolving as it arises. Let go of anticipating the next moment, trying to control it, trying to hang on to the moment that has just passed. Let go clinging to what has just occurred. Let go trying to control what you think is about to occur. Then you live in an infinite space of non-time and non-event. There is an infinite peace beyond description. And you are home.”

  ― David R. Hawkins, ” Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender”


If you want to, you can hear it here:


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All you need is Faith



“I was happy being poor. I have been poor, I have been rich and frankly there is no difference between the two. You get up that day and you are happy or you are not happy. When I first came to the West, I slept on a cot I got at the Dime Store. We had an apple to celebrate any special occasions. I tested the teachings of A Course in Miracles. I left the house with no money, no food, and everything was provided for me. By 11:00 AM someone would say, ‘What are you doing for lunch? Come along with me.’ Everything I needed just appeared. I drove the old truck to Sedona; just as I needed a pair of pliers to fix the truck, on the side of the road was a brand new, never used pair. I fixed what I needed and went on. Everything went that way. It is true you do not need anything at all except faith.”

― David R. Hawkins, from “Serenity” August 2005 lecture.


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Conscious billionaire

Video i really enjoyed watching: 

If only the majority of rich people had the mindset Nick Hanauer seems to have.  


The work of democracies is to maximize the inclusion of the many in order to create prosperity, not to enable the few to accumulate money.


We plutocrats need to see that the United States of America made us, not the other way around; that the thriving middle class is the source of prosperity in capitalist economies, not a consequence of it.

Leo posted a similar post on his blog in the past : https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-dirty-secrets-of-capitalism

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Don’t chase happiness. Become antifragile

Cool one: 


Btw, i really like how "Big think" videos are edited.

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Green Inventions

  1. Old plastic bottle light bulbs
  2. Edible water blobs
  3. Mr. Trash Wheel (removes garbage from rivers)
  4. Plastic free shampoo pods
  5. Waterotor (harvests energy from slow-moving waters)
  6. Shipping container pools
  7. The Seabin (collects garbage from the sea)
  8. Edible spoons
  9. Edible six-pack ring 
  10. Portable turbine
  11. Plastic bottle cutter
  12. Toothpaste pill
  13. Car tire shredder & recycler
  14. Off-grid Water Lily turbine
  15. Dirt and water separating powder
  16. Human excrement charcoal
  17. Biodegradable, water soluble bags
  18. Whirlpool turbine
  19. Home Biogas bin (turns trash into gas)
  20. Spincycle (bicycle washing machine)
  21. Smoke reducing stove
  22. Barsha pump (hydro wheel that pumps water)
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"It is possible to live free of suffering."

Amazing interview of Eckhart that I love:



Everybody carries inside a sense of peace and well-being and a natural connectedness with who you are, but most people are not conscious of it and they seem to have lost it, although they never lost it, but it becomes so covered up by mental noise that they can never feel it. So they're cut off from their deeper being...

...and then what you have as a substitute is a mind-made sense of self which we call the ego, which consists of the past, of the things that happened to you, of mental images you have about yourself and your conditioning. So it's an artificially mentally constructed sense of self in which most people's identity lies, and because it lacks any foundation in reality, it lives in a state of constant fear. 


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