King Merk

Dreaming = Death???

6 posts in this topic

Do you die when you dream?

I know that’s a weird questions but that’s what it feels like to me.

It feels as if this “ego” that I am during my waking life dies when I fall asleep at night.

And vice versa. It feels as if the “dream ego/self” dies when I wake up into my normal day to day life.

Sometimes I even cry in deep mourning when I wake up of the life that just passed.

Does this make any sense to y’all? To be honest I’m still confused as to what exactly a dream even is. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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@King Merk Yeah you could see it that way. The dream ego can only exist in the dream. And when you wake up from the dream it stops existing. The same is true when you go to sleep. The "real" ego stops existing and dream ego starts existing.

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I don't think you die when you dream, I think that dreaming is similar to death, though, and that the afterlife will be a lot like the dreamworld.

Doesn't the dream world often seem, like, oddly familiar, like you have been there before, sometimes?

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11 hours ago, King Merk said:

Do you die when you dream?

When you die, you continue dreaming.

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When I dream at night there is no loss of this ego. I can sense it’s this exact same ego structure at play. Yes some crazy things might sometimes go down environmentally and circumstantially during the dream, but it’s certainly my waking ego structure that’s at work as the sense of self in the dream. And especially when becoming lucid, that is when my ego really takes over. The dreaming self for me is the exact same self that walks this earth each and every day

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