
How to spread conpirasy theories in a smart way

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Leo, whether it be by accident  or deliberately, has used this picture, with which a general person, I guess, would i agree with



However, there're not 1, but 4 points about the same topic in it, which has been hot for the last 2 years, and which, of course are almost at the top.  

Hmmmmm. 4 points of the same topic.... in a picture about conspiracy theories...


Leo, or whoever has drawn this picture, isn't only capable of spreading conspirasy theories, sometimes, but in a smart way:
  - pretend that you're against conspirasy theories
  - perhaps even be against it in reallity
  - AND, whenever you want to, inject some conroversial seeds into your narrative -- the seeds which you WANT everyone to believe to be misinformation

For if almost everything in your story is deemed correct, then those controversial seeds, mixed in with, would by extension become  believable as well -- as misinformation or conspiracy theories, or not, depending on where you'd place them in this pyramid.


Edited by rnd

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If I myself have proven some of those 4 points to be wrong, do I then become a conspirasy theory myself?


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It's pretty funny that things like "Ivermectin cures covid", "5G is toxic" aren't in the "we have questions" section but almost at the very top. Higher in the pyramid than "Titanic never sank", "Tupac alive in Serbia" etc.

Some beliefs that are apparently dangerous to yourself and others: "Feral people in forests", "Ancient giant trees", "Moon landing fake", "Phantom time", "5G is toxic". Also pretty funny. And sad.

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The electromagnetic fields of 5G produce oxidative stress in the body. So it is toxic to an extend. 

But the telecom industry does not want you do know this.


Edited by Ima Freeman

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it takes profound closed mindedness and arrogance to not consider a conspiracy theory to be possible, and just shut them away as only for the "Crazy people over there", especially now, considering there's so much info and documentation especially with covid related theories. 

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it's probably unhealthy to not have a conspiracy theory going on in your life

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The whole anti conspiracy theorism is turning into a stage orange ideology.

You have to ask yourself, whom the suppression of conspiracy investigations serves.

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Politicians in Switzerland even openly admit they spray chemicals in the clouds to manipulate the weather - Chemtrails... Bad list tbh. 

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There's at least a sliver of truth in a lot of conspiracy theories. That's what makes them so insidious. And that's also why sometimes "fact checkers" like Snopes seem like they're bending the rules to make something false.

Most recent news example I can think of - Yes the US government is distributing crack pipes to people. No it's not just crack pipes, yes it's part of some kind of medical safety kit. No the government isn't also providing crack and heroine or any other drugs to people. Snopes can take these facts and say "Government is providing crack pipes and drugs to people" (which very few conspiracy theorists are saying) is false, to dismiss the whole idea of giving out crack pipes.

  • Adrenochrome is a real substance. The elites probably aren't drinking the blood of kids that they've terrified to get it.
  • Illuminati was historically a real organization
  • Jewish space lasers - Israel has a ground-based directed-energy weapon air defense system called Iron Beam. The US plans to have anti-missile laser weapons in orbit by next year, so it's hardly a conspiracy.
  • Nesara was a real proposal
  • Almost every election in every country likely has some degree of fudging the numbers going on (probably at an immaterial level that doesn't impact the outcome.)
  • Chemtrails have been proposed as a solution to climate change for years (whether they're actually being used already is another story.)
  • Soy is a natural estrogen

I could go down most items on the chart and point out how they're at least partly true in some way.

You need nuance. The government and other organizations are almost certainly ****ing with us and lying to us in numerous ways. Usually not in as exaggerated of a way that conspiracy theorists claim, but still in ways that people should find unacceptable. But if you're a skeptic you snap too hard in the other direction and dismiss all kookie claims outright.

Edited by Yarco

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conspiracy theory makes a lot of sense

those who hate conspiracy theory do not question reality enough and have a sheep mentality. they believe what nasa told them or what media told them.i mean would nasa/media lie????


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How about this for a "conspiracy theory"...

The World Economic Forum has "penetrated" half of Trudeau's cabinet and other cabinets around the world.


Is this foreign interference? 



WEF's "partners" range from entities such as BlackRock, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bank of China, Bank of America, BP, PepsiCo, and many others, and they are going to transform the world for our good. They say it's so, and so of course it must be so.

Note, WEF "partners",  "they are the driving force behind the Forum’s programmes."



BP (WEF Partner), they are one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and they have $34 Billion+ in  environment-related offenses. Along with BP, there are several more WEF Partners on the "top contributors" list below. So the top contributors to global warming, they are now going to be the ones to save the day. 




To usher in this, "2030 Agenda" (Build Back Better), there must be "digital cooperation", meaning everyone must be involved. Digital cooperation is just 1 of 6 points of focus which the UN and WEF are to focus on.



Governments around the world have been preparing for this "digital cooperation" and your covid passports are the key to making this happen. 

https://diacc.ca/2016/11/22/dia-global-digital-economy/ (Canada) - note the date in this first link - 2016


https://www.digital.govt.nz/digital-government/programmes-and-projects/digital-identity-programme/about-the-digital-identity-programme (NZ)

https://112.international/politics/swedes-start-implanting-microchips-with-covid-passports-in-the-arm-67866.html (Sweden) 

https://www.nfcw.com/2022/02/02/375856/pakistan-to-launch-national-digital-identity-wallet/ (Pakistan)

https://www.thehindu.com/business/budget/india-union-budget-2022-e-passports-with-embedded-chip-to-be-rolled-out-this-year/article65013155.ece (India)

https://www.smartnation.gov.sg/initiatives/strategic-national-projects/national-digital-identity (Singapore)

https://www.biometricupdate.com/202201/new-biometric-digital-id-system-in-south-africa-to-enhance-service-delivery-security (South Africa)

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/986301/Human_Augmentation_SIP_access2.pdf (UK)


Now lets look back to the beginnings of the United Nations. 

H.G. Wells wrote the book, New World Order. https://www.amazon.ca/New-World-Order-H-Wells/dp/1599868431

He also wrote The Rights of Man, and it was influential to the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations).


He also wrote a book with Julian Huxley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Science_of_Life

Julian Huxley was the first General Director of UNESCO and he wrote, UNESCO: Purpose and Philosophy. 

He was the older brother to Aldous Huxley and Aldous wrote Brave New World and it was about smart cities and genetically modified humans. 

Now bring this back to the World Economic Forum. The founder, Klaus Schwab, he wrote the 4th Industrial Revolution and it involves smart cities and genetically modified humans - "designer beings"



It will be presented with a smile and with claims of solving the worlds problems. There's just one problem, it will come with a social credit system and all have to be "in this together". Choice is not an option. 

Note, this is not a theory. 


Edited by Johnny Galt

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7 hours ago, Johnny Galt said:

How about this for a "conspiracy theory"...

The World Economic Forum has "penetrated" half of Trudeau's cabinet and other cabinets around the world.


Is this foreign interference? 



WEF's "partners" range from entities such as BlackRock, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bank of China, Bank of America, BP, PepsiCo, and many others, and they are going to transform the world for our good. They say it's so, and so of course it must be so.

Note, WEF "partners",  "they are the driving force behind the Forum’s programmes."



BP (WEF Partner), they are one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and they have $34 Billion+ in  environment-related offenses. Along with BP, there are several more WEF Partners on the "top contributors" list below. So the top contributors to global warming, they are now going to be the ones to save the day. 




To usher in this, "2030 Agenda" (Build Back Better), there must be "digital cooperation", meaning everyone must be involved. Digital cooperation is just 1 of 6 points of focus which the UN and WEF are to focus on.



Governments around the world have been preparing for this "digital cooperation" and your covid passports are the key to making this happen. 

https://diacc.ca/2016/11/22/dia-global-digital-economy/ (Canada) - note the date in this first link - 2016


https://www.digital.govt.nz/digital-government/programmes-and-projects/digital-identity-programme/about-the-digital-identity-programme (NZ)

https://112.international/politics/swedes-start-implanting-microchips-with-covid-passports-in-the-arm-67866.html (Sweden) 

https://www.nfcw.com/2022/02/02/375856/pakistan-to-launch-national-digital-identity-wallet/ (Pakistan)

https://www.thehindu.com/business/budget/india-union-budget-2022-e-passports-with-embedded-chip-to-be-rolled-out-this-year/article65013155.ece (India)

https://www.smartnation.gov.sg/initiatives/strategic-national-projects/national-digital-identity (Singapore)

https://www.biometricupdate.com/202201/new-biometric-digital-id-system-in-south-africa-to-enhance-service-delivery-security (South Africa)

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/986301/Human_Augmentation_SIP_access2.pdf (UK)


Now lets look back to the beginnings of the United Nations. 

H.G. Wells wrote the book, New World Order. https://www.amazon.ca/New-World-Order-H-Wells/dp/1599868431

He also wrote The Rights of Man, and it was influential to the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations).


He also wrote a book with Julian Huxley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Science_of_Life

Julian Huxley was the first General Director of UNESCO and he wrote, UNESCO: Purpose and Philosophy. 

He was the older brother to Aldous Huxley and Aldous wrote Brave New World and it was about smart cities and genetically modified humans. 

Now bring this back to the World Economic Forum. The founder, Klaus Schwab, he wrote the 4th Industrial Revolution and it involves smart cities and genetically modified humans - "designer beings"



It will be presented with a smile and with claims of solving the worlds problems. There's just one problem, it will come with a social credit system and all have to be "in this together". Choice is not an option. 

Note, this is not a theory. 


You will own nothing and you will be happy. 

'' Church of Science '' 

All conspiracy theories lead to who gets the print money and terms of it's exchange. Prepare for controlled fiat money collapse.

We gonna marry with machine. 

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2 hours ago, Sucuk Ekmek said:

You will own nothing and you will be happy. 

'' Church of Science '' 

All conspiracy theories lead to who gets the print money and terms of it's exchange. Prepare for controlled fiat money collapse.

We gonna marry with machine. 

"we gonna marry with machine". Possibly. That is, unless, we unite and say no while simultaneously building a new paradigm. Funny enough, WEF is on the right track in regards to "re-imagining" and working towards making great change, as a great change is needed. 

The question is, will those who are mad at "anti-vaxxers"/"anti-mandaters", will they wake up and join those who resist, or, will they double down and continue to be the ones who bring forth, through consent and participation, the infrastructure that leads to our enslavement?

The priests of the church of science, as they intend to do to the human being, they will proceed to do to all of life on this planet and the planet included. They will attempt to continue to manipulate and tinker with that which they do not understand. We can become great stewards and caretakers of the earth, or we can watch the lost and sickly, degrade and destroy gods creation.

Wake up, stand your ground, and shout with me, "thou shall not pass!" 




Edited by Johnny Galt

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Where would Abbie Richards place ''Reality is imagined'' on this list if she knew about actualized.org?



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On 14/02/2022 at 4:15 AM, Johnny Galt said:

How about this for a "conspiracy theory"...

The World Economic Forum has "penetrated" half of Trudeau's cabinet and other cabinets around the world.


Judging from your username, have you read Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead?

Schwab reminds me A LOT of Ellsworth Toohey lol.

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