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What is understanding? (Inquiry)

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What is understanding?
The recognition of one's self in things 
The recognition of self-similarity in things
The recognition of love in things
When I say "I understand you", what does it mean?
It means I have imagined being you and experienced existence as you 
It means I have expanded/put away (a part of) my sense of self to include you in it. 

What about when I say "I understand how something works"?
Let's say it is gravity 
What does it mean when I say "I understand how gravity works"?
First, "I" is the understanding occurring to, I as a human being, for God do not need to understand, since God is already understanding all (Paradox, I am God)
Second, gravity is defined as a concept in my experience of existence
Third, "works" means I acknowledge the existence of this concept and how it functions in the logical systems of this universe. 

So it actually means:
I acknowledge the defined/imagined concept/phenomenon of gravity as a part of this functioning universe 
I (as God) then create this concept in my existence

But what if I don't understand it? It still exists. 
What is the difference between understanding it and not?

For example, I have been trying to understand Voice Leading 
I know of its existence and its phenomenon 
But I have yet to define it.
Or rather, my current definition of it feels incomplete or untrue 
I don't yet fully understand it. 
But I know it. 

What is the difference between understanding and knowing?
Knowing is the acknowledgment of the existence of a concept/thing. 
Understanding is realizing the nature of that thing in existence. 
And the truest nature of all things is that they are God/self. 
So the deepest understanding is the realization of God in things. 
And the moment you realize that, you also realize your own nature.
Thus that thing, from an existential point of view merges with you into one. 
So really understanding can be defined as:
**The process of conceptual unification.** 

We may understand things in different degrees and depths
And they are all pointing towards the absolute truth. 
And since the absolute is infinite, we may continue this process for infinity.

And thus you may also define it as:
**The process of self-recognition/self-realization/self-identification/self-unification** 

This is true, but it also reaches the level of absolute to the point that it now defines existence. 

Existence is the process of self-recognition/self-realization/self-identification/self-unification

Existence is understanding
Understanding is existence
Understanding is God
This is why you can understand God, but you can't know it.
You understand what God is when you understand what understanding is. (Strange loop)
Knowledge is defined/confined by existence and experience. 
What we define as knowledge is information/concepts that we've created/experienced through our senses. 
Without experience, there won't be any knowledge or knowing, since there will be nothing to acknowledge. 

But God is beyond (including) existence, thus you can understand God by becoming one with it. Once you unify with it you reach the deepest/truest nature of that thing/yourself/God. It is a recognition, not an acknowledgment, since you've always been it, you simply forgot. 
Recognition: The remembering of self
Acknowledgment: The conceptualization of existence 

The second definition of understanding is more fundamental than the first. 

What is a concept? 
A concept is imagined 
Conception can equal to imagination 
Thus conception = creation 
Thus conception = existence

Existence is a concept,
That which God/infinity conceptualized/created (Strange loop)

Thus we can redefine understanding as:
**The process of existence/creation/God unifying with itself.**
Thus when I say God is in the process of understanding itself
I mean, God is the process of understanding and it is understanding and it is... (Infinite strange loop)

It all just is...

Back up a few levels of abstractions:
From the human perspective, understanding seems to be associated with the mind
What is the mind?
The mind is the conceptual self
The body is the physical/experiential self
The soul is the fundamental self

Beauty is experiential unification 
Understanding is conceptual unification 
Being is Spiritual unification (in process)

Pleasure is physical unification
Happiness is emotional unification
Bliss is Spiritual unification (in actuality)

What is the difference between experience and concept?
Experience is a higher abstraction
Concept is more fundamental 
Concept can exist "before" experience

Conception leads to creation, creation then leads to experience (Strange Loop)
Experience is a subset of conception/creation 
For God, all concepts are created and explored 
Conception is a subset of God/self/infinity 

So why do I desire to be understood?
I can see the true nature of others, but they can't see the true nature of me/themselves. 
What I desire is actually to unify with them conceptually, 
As a creation of existence to recognize that we were/are conceptually one being. 

Why do I experience human emotional pain when I fail to create understanding? (Even tho it is very mild and only from those whom I wish to understand) 
1. Because I alone understand the truth 
2. The sense/illusion of separation gets intensified 
3. The desire is not fulfilled 

The truth is, there is no one to understand, or that we all already understand, we are already what we are. 

But this conceptual existence is designed for us to have the imagined experience of separation and unification (love) 
We designed the process of this function so that we can experience this love. 

I have this desire because I wish to experience this love. 
But the process is designed to maximize the impact of this experience. 
Thus there are those who cannot yet understand (or pretend to be that way as a human) 

I need to recognize that this too is a part of infinite love. 
And continue to follow my heart and be a part of God/existence. 

It is funny if you understand, how all these people are convincing themselves that they are not what they are, how they (we) are playing this game while their true self knows full well how everything is. 
Like actors shooting a scene. 

The sense/illusion of separation (aka the ego) (or the lack of it) is a part of the design of this whole structure in order to intensify/maximize love. Unification won't feel satisfying until separation is experienced to the extreme (in infinite different degrees).

It's all love... 
Thus we have unified with the concept of understanding... (strange loop)

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