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I want to use the memories that are left and writings if they were not edited, to write this. How do I go back into my past, especially when the people that have hurt me are still in my life, denying that they did. 

If I do not do this, the symptoms I have now could be rationalized as my "crazy nature", not nurture and poisoning and the things they did to me, rationalized as something they did to a crazy person.

I didn't have this before 7. Ater that there was a lot of trauma and stuff going wrong in my life that it must be explained now. Then I got poisoned. I don't know when or how. Was it intentional or was it from the fish, the tap water we all drink, or spices, maybe chicken liver, I don't know. Maybe it was both.

Need advice on going back into the past and writing about it. It might be better to do that in the future though, when I detox from heavy metals.

Edited by Bojan

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