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When you can't transcend.

1 post in this topic

We are able to transcend all that we can transcend,

until we arrive at something that doesn't want to be transcended. 

But instead demands to be loved for exactly the way it is. 

Upon this arrival, we are at the precipice of a grand awakening. 

Because it is our own rejected selves that hold the key, 

the key to the kingdom of heaven. 


So let us go into these selves and meet them in truth. 

Because who else would give us our awakening,

when we awaken to ourself?


Our challenge is to become one,

to become whole.

We become whole by becoming our opposite.

We become one by becoming each other.


Can we love anything that arises?

Can we become everything that we are? 


In this reality of mirroring,

we are all that we see. 

And we are blessed to see all that we are, 

in infinity.

Through our differences 

and in our sameness,

we see the sameness of our differences. 

And so we see everything has value, 

because everything shows us what we are, 

and what we are able to become. 

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