itachi uchiha

Is there a way to measure intelligence in the form of stages so i can improve

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Iq test is full of there a non fixed way to measure sd where intelligence is divided into different stages so i can improve my intelligence

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@itachi uchihawhen it comes to common intelligence, unlike many online IQ tests, there are many that are legit.

13 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

so i can improve my intelligence

as I've heard, most of intelligence is given by genetics+ hereditary traits.

still there is a lot we can do to improve them similar to the case with physical appearances. and I think u know that there are multiple forms of intelligence as per the theory by Howard Gardner. so the amount of intelligence in different forms as kinesthetic, intrapersonal , analytical-logical vary drastically among individuals. 

for an example, an Olmypic athlete has a higher rate of bodily kinesthetic intelligence and nulls the existential ,spatial and musical form of intelligence.

my mini-blog! 

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Practice what you want to be better at directly. Trying to improve your "intelligence" to be better at something is a distraction from practicing that something. You do not need any conceptualization of intelligence (SD, IQ, Personallity types, etc.) to practice what you want to become better at.

If you are practicing that thing already and you aren't finding the results you are looking for, consider introspecting what is going on with your practice. How much time do you spend that is actually beneficial? Can you minimize time wasted in your practice?

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@itachi uchiha

You could check out ego delopement theory (EDT) by Jane Loevinger if you haven't already, which I think would be the closest to what you are looking for.

It's about increasing the complexity of our cognitive skills which essentially as we develop allows us to reason is more complex ways, which would show up as appearing more intelligent or wiser. 

Aslo look into "7 transformations of leadership" which correlates to EDT expands on this. 

There are sentence completion tests (e.g. Harthill LDP) you could do that allows for assessing the complexity within the sense making behind the answers you provide to a certain set for questions, but these require people analyzing the result to make sense and cost a fair amount of money. 

It's interesting though why you are interested in being intelligent, it has no particular function in itself. 

Focusing on developmental growth in general which is more about orchestrating your life experiences so that you are exposed to unknown and challenging situations where you have to discover new ways of thinking and coping, which helps with fostering adaptability of the mind and non-static way of thinking, better allowing for one's sense-making to evolve. 

Making such progress will, when done right, show results in the stages of above models as values and perspectives are directly affected by increasing the inner agility of the mind, adaptability that sees increasing amounts of connections creating perspectives as that cognitive complexity grows stronger. 

Whether you are more intelligent or not doesn't matter, but what it will do for you over the long run is to be able to see things in new ways, and possibly, translate these new thoughts and ways of looking at things into actions that better serve you in reaching whatever desires you setup as being your goals - although the latter (actionability) is more connected to self-leadership capabilities. 

It's all interconnected though, and "appearing more intelligent" is more a synergy effect from these things emerging side-by-side.

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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@Eph75 is susan cock greuters 9 stages of ego development theory and jane leverigners theory same


How do i move above my current stage in susan coock greuter 9 sedt

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@itachi uchiha

Sorry, brain-fart, was going to write Cook-Greuter, but essentially, her work builds on Loevinger's work. 

Oh, ehm, hard to say.

If key is increasing the complexity of the sense making you operate at, this sense making is limited by the degree of self-awareness and ability to self-observe you have. The mind wants to grow and it's more a matter of our egos holding development back by being anchored in the current interpretations that creates our world views.

Essentially movement then happens when letting go of the current beliefs to look for what comes next. 

The problem is that you don't know what you need to let go of, so that you can deliberately explore those attachments to current beliefs and adopt more complex beliefs. 

The development isn't about learning what the next stage beliefs are, or learning about what the perceived current stage limitations are, it's about fundamental transformations in how we think that serves us with the meaning  that shows up in our thinking. 

Although, by learning about the different stages, the typical charateristics of each stage and finding the stage that resonates most with you, allows you to know about the typical limitations of the current and lower stages that are preventing "leveling up", so that we can catch ourselves when we hold on to these beliefs, or lean on such behaviors, at the same time as learning about the next stage charateristics which allows us to stretch into that world, so that we can experience the discomforts it brings, and we need to make new sense of what is happening around us.

Learning and development is in a sense connected since learning increasing knowledge and confidence to stretch towards and into the unknown more comfortably, where we can, but not necessarily so, experience shifts in our sense making. Those shifts changes the how we think, so that we can think new thought which links back to learning, opening up for new learning in that unknown experience but also changes the perspective of preexisting learning leading to more new learning, i.e. consolidation is happening, or as often is said in spirituality, embodiment of what is learned. 

A pitfall here being that we typically overestimate our development by one stage higher than where we typically have our center of gravity, so contemplate the stages below the one that resonates the most with you. 

Being deliberate about letting go of what you think you know is eassential and helps accelerating the process.

Self-awareness is also as a said central to all of this and is one of the main obstacles against becoming deliberate about one's own developmental growth. Lack of self-awareness simply shows up as not having a need to grow, or thinking you already know best, and misses out on cues in one's thinking, feeling, attitudes and behaviors that needs evolving, so that we can address and explore them. 

Work on raising self-awareness, explore self-regulation and how you change you own behaviors as identified by your imagined ideal self image, e.g. if you are aware of an unwanted behavior you have, learn how to shift away from such behaviors, replacing with wanted behaviors. This builds an inner changeability that will be needed to develop. If you struggle with known unwanted behaviors, shifting towards the unknown will be difficult, mostly because many of those unwanted behaviors are those that holds you back, maintaining status quo. 

Learn about developmental theory, models and psychology which not only helps with finding your needed challenges but also obsessing about development pushes you towards detachment of what is to give room for what could be next.

It needs to be being deliberate about your own development. Development can happen circumstantial or be facilitated by someone else without you being deliberate about it, and maybe the most powerful transformer which is depression pushing towards a life crisis in which you end up rejecting and replacing a larger portion of your sense making over a very short time.

Being deliberate implies creating these challenges, deliberately, for yourself. 

Since your sense making isn't something you can hold in your mind, you can't choose to change how you think. It needs to evolve through experiencing the unknown where your current sense making is insufficient to apply what you already know, so that you actively start trying to make new sense, which may creates the shifts in your mind that over time increases the complexity of how you think. 

What you CAN do, is choose your behaviors, attitudes and challenging your beliefs rather than blindly defending them. 

This is a life journey and not something you decide to do. 

With that said, you can transform surprisingly fast when A) you are aware of something that causes you anxiety that you avoid like the plague, and B) deliberately put yourself into that so that you have to stay with that anxiety, which C) very soon will become normalized and no longer cause said anxiety, or same levels of anxiety. 

Repeat ad infinitum. 

I'm sure you know a few such challenges from the top of your head, that you could deliberately pursue right now, today, this very moment, but there's something pulling you away from it. That's a start. 

There's going to the those obvious ones that we've essentially been procrastinating around. Essentially we know what is holding us back because we're preprogrammed to grow, and growth opportunities typically shows up as resistence that ensures we stay in our comfort zone, where we're safe but where we don't grow. 

It gets harder the further we go, it won't be as obvious, but with less ego quirks acting as limitations, this inevitably transforms from being a deficiency need to being a way of being, adopting, changing and at times transforming. 

Development is painful, uncomfortable and riddled with anxiety. In a sense it's much about redefining that resistence from being something bad that should be avoides, into being opportunities for growth, and something good, rushing into it with excitement.

Does this make any what-so-ever sense? ^_^

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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