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What to drink instead of tap water? + Is it safe to drink two liters of water at once

2 posts in this topic

  • What to drink instead of tap water?
  • Is it safe to drink two liters of water at once? By at once I mean, I do not drink 2 liters at the same time, I do it in the morning, 30 minute gap in between, 1 liter and then another 1 liter in 30 minutes, this is my water intake for entire day. My question is: Is this safe and healthy? 

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  • I personally use a water filter pitch, but you can also use one that needs to be attached onto the tap itself. You can't really know where exactly your water is coming from and what did it touch before it reached your glass. In most countries I'd be wary of drinking it due to the amounts of chlorine and other unnecessary/unhealthy chemicals residing there (it's color is off). In my country it's relatively clean, but using the filter still made a substantial difference (it's transparent now and tastes much better and is more hydrating in a sense).
  • Drinking plenty of water after waking up is healthy since you lose a substantial amount during sleep, I drink around a liter. However when you gulp that much even after that you end up peeing the majority of that out. The color of your pee is a great display about how hydrated you are. The optimal is when it's a tiny bit yellowish. Transparent/clean is overhydration, a darker tone of yellow is a state of dehydration. Drinking too much at once (or sipping all the time) can cause the sodium levels of your blood to reduce and cause swelling of tissue in all parts of your body.
  • Furthermore your genes, the enviroment and the lifestyle you lead determine the amount of water you need throughout the day. Drinking it all at once causes you to overhydrate temporarily then be dehydrated for the majority of the rest of the day. Just drink responsibly periodically (2 hours or so), until you feel satisfied. It can stem from 2 to up to 5 liters a day.

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