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charlie cho

What is the best way to learn Influence, persuasion, political savvy

3 posts in this topic

I've been looking into this subject for a while. 

Currently, I'm reading a lot about politics, mainly how the Chinese in the ancient world thought of politics from Confucius, Taosim, Legalism. Finished Machiavelli's The Prince. Still reading 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. Influence by Robert Cialdini, I'm still reading. I just finished a course from Jordan Belfort about straight line persuasion. 

Jordan Belfort mentioned N.L.P a lot, so I looked into this more with Eben Pagan and Wyatt Woodsmall's NLP course, which I am currently now starting. 

A lot about persuasion and influence seem not only about gaining social status, but about directing hearts and minds of others. 

I've been looking into pick up, and i wonder if the mystery method .... and etc, are like pseudo sciences for changing other's minds. Maybe learning game can help us be better persuaders and influencers more than anything because it directs emotions rather than anything else. 

Any resources you guys know about influencing other's minds?

What was your top resources teachings that taught you most about political savvy? 

I wonder if Casanova was a better influencer than John f. Kennedy. Maybe reading a book from Casanova is better than reading a book from Machiavelli or Confucius when learning persuasion.




Edited by charlie cho

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