
Binaural Beats For Higher States Of Consciousness

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I recently found out that it is possible to tune our brains with a specific frequency and that is by listening to binaural beats.

Listening to these sounds is supposed to have some consciousness altering effect.

Is this technology good for the work we're doing towards spiritual enlightenment?

What are the best frequencies to do this work?

It seems the frequency of a binaural beat (which is the difference between the frequency of the two input sounds) is between 0-50Hz, but is that so? I see big numbers like 936Hz on YouTube, are they referring to this difference of frequencies or another type of frequency?


Edited by Afonso

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@Wormon Blatburm What are your thoughts on people, in this forum, claiming to have enlightenment experiences using binaural beats while meditating?

There's a lot of feedback pointing to the efficacy of b-beats. But then again, there are people who claim it's all nonsense.

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I am really fond of HoloSync. It has a variety of different levels (you always start from the Prologue level and work yourself up). I do one hour a day of Holosync then 1-2 hours of "regular" meditation, I think they compliment eachother well. There is definitely a different feeling when using binaural beats, this shit works, unless placebo is playing a huge role, and hey then it still works, right? 

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