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The Metaphysical Mechanism Behind Law of Attraction/Manifestation

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I started writing this morning quite spontaneously, and this story appeared. I felt some on this forum may resonate and find these pointers helpful. A careful reminder that this is indeed one way of framing reality, and should by no means be taken to indicate I believe any of this as though it’s absolute. Therefore, while conversation, clarification, and challenging can be helpful, argumentation or any of these from positions of right and wrong are useless. Of course, this too is a story ;P 


One of the keys to manifesting our highest desires is to recognize the ultimate nature of reality, on any level. We don’t need to be completely awakened to recognize the non-dual nature of reality, but any degree of such recognition will inevitably open the mind to enormously powerful possibilities. This mind and its contents, activities, and orientations, from the subtlest to most macrocosmic, are inextricably entangled with our entire field of experience. 

Therefore, how we think literally creates. The synchronicities of circumstance and opportunity cannot be separated from the mind in which is observing them. There is no separation between mind and what is normally referred to as “physical reality.” Upon deeply mindful investigation into reality’s infinite casual-chains and interdependency, i.e. it’s true nature, we can see that our mind’s and the unfolding of life are a self referencing loop of experience. Just as the unfolding of life shapes, penetrates, and conditions the mind, so too does the mind shape, penetrate, and condition life. 

The key is to recognize the beliefs which limit this mind’s penetration such as “the mind is in the head” or “the mind is just a brain.” These two beliefs are merely contents within experience that shape, penetrate, and condition life, even when such beliefs are operating below the threshold of awareness within the subconscious mind. When one sees clearly the nature of beliefs, we can see these two examples as just lenses that artificially filter the way in which life is experienced. When we change our beliefs, or better yet, move toward an alignment with reality’s ultimate true nature, such beliefs and their conditioning qualities fall away.  

As we practice an honest, objective observation of our direct experience, we can see how much fabrication and relativity of the world coexist. In every moment, we are shaping and transforming our realities based on this mind. A mind that is clear on its desires and free from unhelpful beliefs, or clear on how to reprogram itself out of unhelpful beliefs, is a mind capable of transforming, transmuting, and alchemizng how the unfolding of life unfolds. The key insight is to realize this flowing of life is always subject to our mind, all of it. When the actuality of this flowing is recognized at deeper and deeper levels, it starts consciously moving rather than its typical unconscious moving. 

The other point to recognize is the multiplicity and relativity of identity, or of “who we are.” Who we are is not merely a human being with a human mind. There is a deeper, more primordial level to identification and fabrication of self identity that extends beyond a single lifetime. This is what we can use the word “soul” to represent. The desires, intentions, intelligence, and mind of this soul are also conditions which are attractive forces on the unfolding of life and reality. When life hands us seemingly impossible or bitter challenges, or even mundane circumstances we feel in no way aligned with, it is paramount to recognize even these forces and attractions are our doing perhaps on subliminal levels of unconscious conditioning and trauma, or the soul’s higher intentionality, as well as the non-dual entanglement of both and the ineffable, a-causal, boundlessly free, intelligence behind every moment.

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I posted this in the wrong sub forum… xD

If a mod would kindly move to the appropriate location ??

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Imagine you wake up in a dream, you get lucid, now you are able to create the dream consciously. Law of attraction is simply saying that, your thought are creating your reality, because reality is a dream. This should be darn obvious, but of course, we are human ones in our experience, therefore we need to complicate everything. 

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You are Love, and if you are not being Love experientially in any moment, YOU ARE SUFFERING. OOOBVIOUS. 

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