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My friend I been knowing for 3 years now committed suicide. I’m very devastated about it and idk what to do. What happens to her now? Is she traumatized after death. Did she not exist ever? 

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It's best to stay more in the present moment and not worry too much about a future that is not going to benefit much. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@ImHooper hello, sorry about the tragic loss...

all you can do right now is to, try your best to comfort her family and loved ones. it might be hard for  u too right now. nobody claims to know what exactly death brings. maybe she reincarnates in a form which she's aligned with, or  maybe she dissolves in to  the absolute(merge with god).

on a relative sense, she did exist and she no longer exist in this world. !(that we all know for sure)

in a higher perspective of nonduality, she never existed and always existed. it's both. neither do we exist . its both nothing and everything.  I believe you can get through this, as everything "this too shall pass"

much love!

my mini-blog! 

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@ImHooper  She still exists, your love for her still exists.

Your love and memory of her doesn't die when she does.

So in that sense, she is still alive by you remembering her.

Think of everything she taught you and inspired you with, and be grateful for it.

Try to embody and honor what you learned from her.

Take it into your own personality. Let her become part of you.

That way, you carry part of her with you now.

That helped me when my friend killed herself.

Edited by flowboy

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