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MDMA therapeutic dose

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I took a 120mg and a 50mg re-up.  Very moderate usage and in a safe calm environment.  The pharma-huasca was 2 weeks later.  I don't know what to tell you, but I'd never had any issues with psychedelics before, and that pharma trip messed me up big time.  My brain was fried badly enough that I couldn't even do a light dose of shrooms 6 months later without significant suffering.

MDMA, for some people, does NOT require a large dose or multiple uses to cause long-term toxicity.  Read the whole article.

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@Flyboy please read the article carefully before you spread misinformation.

it was never concluded that mdma for some people does not require a large dose or multiple uses to cause long-term toxicity. 

Don't mix results of animals with humans. And in this study on humans, only humans with MDMA ABUSE were selected. Abuse means, that you take too much, too often.


"There is now direct evidence of a lasting decrease in 5-HT uptake sites (a marker for the integrity of 5-HT nerve terminals) in human volunteers with a past history of MDMAabuse"

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@OBEler I literally fried my brain after a single use.  It has caused me HUGE amounts of suffering, and I was trying very hard to be responsible and safe.  I'm just trying to help people not take stupid risks for a feel-good high.  You do you bro.

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@Flyboy Hey, your intention might be noble but don't spread misinformation. The article clearly does not have the conclusions you tell us about. You just want to prevent people from MDMA because you had a bad experience. Thats fine, but dont bring up articles and say something about these what is not written there. 

I have some questions about your unusual case:

  • Please tell us what MDMA did you took? Was it crystal powder (which is the purest) or some mdma pill. And did you tested it?
  • Was it a normal MDMA experience or was something strange happening during MDMA trip?
  • you said, it contributed to a pharma-huasca disaster 2 weeks later. Why do you think it was MDMA and not the pharma-huasca that fried your brain? Was your brain fried beore you took pharma-huasca? Why are you so certain that it was MDMA?



Edited by OBEler

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