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Weird Nightmares

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A long time ago, I used to have these really weird nightmares. All I can remember is some kind of shape or object getting extremely large and then extremely small. These occurred early in my childhood.  I was watching videos of fractals a few days ago and they somehow made me remember about these horrible terrifying dreams I had. The fear and terror is beyond anything I feel I could experience in day to day life. I recently started researching the topic and came across this website:

You can read some of them but I feel like I can somehow relate to the impossible task part. Although I can't remember it directly , it somehow feels familiar . What the guy says is quite interesting. The last part of his experience seemed to relate to the experience of 5 meo dmt. Here is a quote: "The shapes i encountered during my impossibly fast ride were similiar to parts of your average Mandelbrot fractal. Except unimaginably huge, 3D, and seemingly real. As if "I" am the Mandelbrot being pushed or pulled infinitely fast while two infinities squeeze against me."

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