Focus Shift

Are We The Worst Generation Ever?

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@Focus Shift

On 18/10/2021 at 9:30 PM, Focus Shift said:

Gen Z and Millennials have both been referred to as the worst generation ever. They are referred to as snowflakes because they are viewed as more sensitive, and less prepared than young people in previous generations. Younger people today are viewed as struggling with adulthood. Younger people blame the older generations for not preparing them for life. What are some of the reasons the youth of today struggle with "growing up", and what can be done moving forward?




   Younger generations mainly struggle as part of their ego development and SD development. There are definitely some differences inn world views and epistemology between the older and younger generations, but that's the way it is. Also, while there and many evils to the older generation, they do provide some value to the younger generations, in that the older generations within a family unit or collective structure can pass in recorded knowledge, sometimes wisdom, and more importantly historical context, which makes up a good chunk of middle to younger generation's epistemological frameworks to their world views, their set of values(spiral dynamics stage values), moral framework, cognitive and states, are largely implicitly given to make sense of the world from YOUR point of view, and the group's point of view. Both the Boomers and the Gen z and future generations have strengths and weaknesses that need to be considered and integrated going forward, because with the exception of tranhumanism, the epidemic framework of humanity in understanding has always been 3 generations: new, middle, and old. There are definitely blindspots when one person or group grows and transitions from one gen to another, which need to be considered, because today's Gen Z will become the mid generation, and finally we will become boomers ourselves.

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Basically, the fact that this generation (in some countrys countrys btw) live among advanced technology and such complex systems like healthcare and food industry is thanks to the efforts of previous generations. We do have thing so much easier.

And we definetly outgrow the previous generation in the sense that we have a more greenish vision of the world. I see it like It is a generation that is inclined towards contributing to mankind in a more genuine and loving way (neohippie?), while the previous one is bussy creating enemies all over the place: in the world, in the workplace, with the neighbourds, etc. Which i believe was useful in the survival sense but definetly it is a mindset full of negativity and practically zero hope that doesn't fit well whith today's stuff. Wich is awfull because a lot of profound and beautiful vision that i had were obscured by that shity mindset of some adults. Through osmosis so to speak.

Edited by Human Mint

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I think that if you go to any point in history most likely the upcoming generation will be looked down upon by the older generation as a generation tthat has it easier than them. Conversely the older generation will always be seen as 'just dont get it' and 'not keeping up with the times'. 

I think it just is what it is, everyone thinks their generation is the best, even with music, theres a lot of songs i thought were complete shit in the 90s and still do but if you go on youtube theyll be comments like 'back when music was the best', 'they dont make songs like this anymore', its normally nonsense. 

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4 hours ago, Consept said:

I think that if you go to any point in history most likely the upcoming generation will be looked down upon by the older generation as a generation tthat has it easier than them. Conversely the older generation will always be seen as 'just dont get it' and 'not keeping up with the times'. 

I think it just is what it is, everyone thinks their generation is the best, even with music, theres a lot of songs i thought were complete shit in the 90s and still do but if you go on youtube theyll be comments like 'back when music was the best', 'they dont make songs like this anymore', its normally nonsense. 

   I view the whole evolution of the generations as a big wheel we all are stuck on. As time goes on, whether we like it or not, we are getting older and will become future boomers. Ideally, we will have to work towards understanding each of the three generations, the one we are a part in, the other we moved from, and the one we will become, because it's also part of knowing yourself as well.

   Music is a sub field under Art, and like the other sub fields, there's a history of how that field evolves, which differs from culture to culture. I'll assume the comments are about a few high quality, which I would say while it is relative, if we consider the skill set the band/solo music artist has, innate/trained in, we can say it is impressive, in comparison to today's electronic assisted music generators and mainstream pop music. Of course, art is subjective is a claim that allows opinions to be easily refuted, the common trap here is being close minded and dogmatic about one particular music over another, due to bias. Ideally, we consume art to fuel thinking big picture, then create art that is creative and unique to our self identity/cultural identity, aka finding your niche and niching down further specifying your brand, your skill set, your role, your unique passion, your product/service value, your customer/client.    

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:30 AM, Roy said:

ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's boomers that are actually the worst generation ever, and the ones perpetuating so much of the awful things going on in the world.

They were born in what is (so far by the looks of the future) the absolutely peak golden time to have been alive, post WW2 - Where nearly 75 million people died. Their parents had to completely abandon their lives to go fight and put an end to a pointless nationalist dick measuring contest (thank the superiority-complex German collective psyche for that btw, they shouldn't even be permitted to have an armed forces imho). 

While they were lucky enough to be raised in post war in the greatest economic explosion in human history, with mass industrialization for the first time being primarily geared towards propping up the living conditions of the middle class and individuals in general, instead of that wealth being siphoned for empires and imperial/colonial ambitions, where most people served the effort of their lives going towards that, in some form or another.

They could raise entire families, own a home, have money for travel, and fund hobbies/passions off of middle and borderline lower-class tier jobs that took little or no education. While that is heavily narrowing impossibility for younger generations, unless you are incredibly lucky enough to inherit wealth or have a 1 in 1000 business work out. Otherwise good fucking luck.

They had the chance and didn't think twice to rape the planet and exploit it causing irreversible damage, just for the sake of making their own lives increasingly more convenient and comfortable. They pissed it away to guarantee their pensions and temporary material security, not even for some sort of grand human project like planetary space travel, end world homelessness/hunger, or something similarly profound like we probably could have accomplished with all those resources the past 75 years. They won't be even around to pay the bill or experience the inevitable suffering that's coming either. They will get to ride out their twilight years drawing the last pensions that will ever exist, while having taxpayers and younger people slaving to keep their self inflicted diabetic and fat plaqued coronary arteries pumping their selfish hearts until they squeeze out the last beat.

They never had to do anything hard. Everything was handed to them on a silver platter. The cold war wasn't their struggle, and it wasn't any different to what's happening now with China. The threat of nuclear war has been present for everyone all the time. Every major power has been pointing nukes at each other since the 1950's when they were made. So it's absolutely not a unique anxiety for just them.

They have voted, lobbied, constructed, and perpetuated an economic and political capitalist system that is fundamentally corrupt at it's core, causing absurd amounts of inequality and injustices. A pyramid scheme that keeps those at the bottom in a black hole of misery, and those at the top get pulled up by a magical circle jerking magnet that is rigged to reward those who already have enough, to have even more. All while the only thing "trickling down" is the piss into the boot-licking mouths of people in the middle dumb enough to believe the fantasy that the system has their best interests at mind.

ALL this and they have the fucking audacity to call US entitled, and lazy, and to "pull up our bootstraps". It's the definition of pure projection, and a gap where their self-awareness should be that's more void than the emptiness of space itself. I don't know if you've noticed for you guys, but for me personally the most AWFUL, entitled, whiny, selfish, annoying, and unethical people I've ever met in my life have all coincidently been boomers;

- They created a toxic paranoid culture, where everyone fears each other and assumes the worst. They will sue you to ruin your life at any inconvenience or aggression towards them, accidental or not.

- They will resist and use their positions to vote down or conspire against any sort of meaningful political progress, or fairness in our economic systems.

- Their parents fought a war against evil and hatred of the other. Yet somehow the lesson wasn't passed on and they are close minded of, fearful of, and arrogant toward any minorities or marginalized groups or their movements. (Think ALL LIVES MATTER).

- They eat up and feed the conspiracy theories and ignorance that serves as fuel for the fire that keeps shit like this pandemic going on much longer than it has to. (If you are anti-vax btw please let me know so I can ban you.)

- They bitch and moan endlessly that things are falling apart when they have to wait just 2 minutes longer for a fucking cheeseburger at the drive thru, because believe it or not nobody wants to work in a garbage dystopian factory where you are expected to grind away for minimal pay while being treated as less than human.

Why is it no surprise that every Karen or mouth breathing muppet you see is a boomer? Exactly...

I could go on, but yeah. They are encompassingly deluded and actually have the negative credit to make accusations towards any other generation about anything. They have zero idea of their place in history and that no generation before or after them will have had access to the same era of potential and resources. The world will finally be able to grow up and move forward in a good way when they are all 6 feet under, worm meal, fertilizer.

Us, and future generations are going to inherit this world, and be left to clean up their sin and squander. They will rightly be looked back on in shame, and will deserve to have their graves pissed on. That's the only thing we're actually entitled to.

I know this post is full of shit, I know it's full of hate and envy, I know I am being incredibly harsh here, and I shouldn't generalize. Of course it's not all their fault and they are just ignorant like every human is to some degree (forgive them father, for they know what not they do.) I'm sure 100 years from now the same thing will be said about us. But I can't help to hold my tongue when something really needs be said.

If any ignorant boomer like what I've described here tries to argue with you, says you don't know anything because you're young, or does their usual spiel - Please give them the middle finger and tell them to go royally fuck themselves and jump on a spike.

Beautiful. Aren't our tools outpacing/controlling us to our own detriment now? The pace of change is too fast to keep up with. 


With the rise in depression/anxiety amongst the youth especially since social media from 2010, and now with meta verse coming on the biggest issue isn't lack of technological advancement but that we aren't advancing consciously/mentally to counter act technologies negative affects. We are more disconnected than ever and it only seems to get worse with meta verse, VR, work from home trends, social media. The fundamentals of being human ie human connection, tribe, community ,nature are lost and getting further away to the point of a mental health pandemic. 


For the first time technological and cultural evolution is outpacing our biological evolution to our own detriment. The young generation may have healthier values (green) but without a healthy body and psychology (anxiety,depression laden, short attention spans, lack of social connection/skills growing up behind screens) how can un stable individuals execute and bring those green values to fruition. I understand society evolves but once we become disconnected and unhealthy/stable due to evolution isn't that the red line. 


Not sure to be hopeful for the future these days or not..

Edited by zazen

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On 10/19/2021 at 10:51 AM, Rilles said:

The worst generation was ironically The Greatest Generation born from 1901-1927, the literally almost ended the world with their bullshit wars. Millennials are saints compared to them. 

Agreed. The older generations back in the day committed genocide and literally almost nuked the world to charcoal. Orange and blue love to shit on green. Green is fun to make fun of but if we are actually looking at who is actually trying to set up a world based on the well-being of everyone it’s green. 

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@Lyubov True. This video from Teal swan literally hits the nail on the head of what millennia's have had to go through and are currently going through. 



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