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Terell Kirby

Awakening is a homecoming

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20 hours ago, Moksha said:

@Ry4n Well said. Consciousness creates the dream, and each form within the dream, for a reason. While human life isn't ultimately real, it is still Consciousness expressing itself, and as such is worthy of joy.


but why is human life isnt ultimately real? I do not believe the world is a simulation though it can feel that way from lack of grounding and center.

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@sara373 Meditation has helped me develop the vigilance to remain present. Still, my greatest teacher has been suffering. You can meditate for decades and remain asleep. Suffering is the solvent of the ego. It is actually a gift in disguise, since it builds the courage necessary to let go of the conditioned mind.

Human life is miraculous. When I say that it isn't ultimately real, it is not to diminish its beauty. The realization of our true nature actually makes life all the more precious. We are the same Self, appearing as separate beings, but no less holy for appearing as such.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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