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Going with the Flow

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The notion of flow is imagined.

When we are doing stuff, we may select whatever is the easiest - whether that be by doing something hard now because later it will be easier and pay off, picking whatever is currently the most accessible/comfortable thing, etc.

Sometimes we are upset and we go "against the flow" but via the upsetness, we are choosing to go in a direction as it is more in flow with how we feel than the "typical flow" that we would have otherwise normally gone in.

When we are more conscious of something and what the impact will be, we may find it easier to act against it than to give in and go along with it because of how much we disagree with whatever it is.  Or we may not understand the impact so we just stay quiet.  Or we may fully understand but feel that us acting out will do nothing so again go with the flow.

When we want to do something that is the most loving, we may want it to be on the greatest scale but largeness increases for potentially infinity (or I imagine so) - but yet we still want to have the biggest contribution anyway.

These models are imagined by me... and my imagined notion of self... in this imagined reality...

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