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How to develop and cultivate empathy for animals in a conscious way

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How to develop and cultivate empathy for animals in a conscious way:


Imagine being born as a sentient being from a species different from human. With other abilities, with other concerns, with another identity. See yourself interacting with what surrounds you. Feel the interest in what gives you pleasure. See the fear towards what surprises you. See your innocence in front of the human presence in this world. See yourself being trapped by them. You are an enslaved animal now. What's the purpose of your enslavement?

Are you in a zoo? Being used as a clown, so other animals in tuxedos can laugh at you? You don't really understand what's going on around you, but you cannot go where you want. You cannot be who you are. You are given some food whenever you make what they expect you to do. You are capable of understanding this. You have learned to respond to get the food that you want. You are not allowed to underperform, or to not perform. This is a business. It is said that human infants are told that you love your owner. And that's why adults belief that too. Does your enslaver love you? Or does your enslaver love whatever s/he can take out of you?

Or maybe you are in a farm. An organic, familiar farm? An industrial, unmodernized factory farm? It's the same, you are enslaved. It only changes the colour palette in front of you, and the amount of suffering you are forced to endure. You are a slave. And some people amongst those humans are claiming that you should never be enslaved. These are called ARAs, Animal Rights Advocates, and are vegan. And some other claim that the problem is not that you are a property, but the tones of red in the color palette, absolutely neglecting, disregarding and ignoring the slavery part. These are called welfarists, and are well intended, though. But you don't understand what slavery is. You only know that something is forcing or guiding you. You cannot be the one who you are. You are forced to be a something.

Now, time to see yourself from the outside. The (economic) value of your experience of life, your body and your effort is decided by your owner. You can be sold, harmed, confined and terminated if that is what suits your owner. You don't understand what an owner is. They just feed you, and you are grateful when this happens. Then they trick you, and you find yourself in line, standing on a wet floor in a noisy slaughterhouse. There's demand outhere for your flesh, your secretions, your skin, your bones and your fluids: that's the something you are being forced to be.


You, as the One, reading this and hallucinating to be dressed as an animal:

  • if you wanted to be yourself, and not to be continuously forced to be something else, how would you tell this to humans?
  • how could they understand what you are trying to say?
  • how could they just listen to you?
  • how could they pay attention to you?
  • if you could develop or sketch a rough religion, how would humans be depicted?
  • what are we, human animals, doing to other animals?
  • why are we still hallucinating that we own them as properties?


"Part" of Oneness is trying hard. Please, go consciously vegan.

I acknowledge the power of these words. I acknowledge the opening power of our minds and hearts.

Thank you for your attention.

Time for another ego-death... ✨??✨



Keywords: unlearning speciesism violence anthropocentrism  injustice justice individual animal rights veganism moral agency ethical baseline abolitionist abolitionism education nonviolent communication peace insight open mind heart eyes ears mature responsible avoid welfarism welfarist welfare single issue campaigns eco bio organic label meaning nothing for them it is you the One sticking meaning to these pixels thank you for your time and for reading even this metadata this is going meta cheers namaste bye bye

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