
Resources for unlearning speciesism and learning about Animal Rights and veganism

3 posts in this topic

You don't know me. But I know something about the creature you believe yourself to be:

I know that you don't need permission from Source, or permission from the Universe, or permission from a powerful spiritual guide and master, or permission from the global or local authorities, or permission from your most intimate friends, or permission from your family, or permission from your current partner or ex-partner to decide to go vegan. Although you may rely on their assistance if needed.

You are such a Powerful creature that you can decide to express, at this very moment, that You Exist Here and Now for Nonviolence, to avoid perpetuating more violence towards animals. And... And that's it. Here's what to expect from the decision to go vegan. It's not about loud and colorful fireworks, but simply:

— "No, no, nooo! No more enslavemeeent!! No, no, nooo!" ???


In order to provide some content that I believe can be helpful to start unlearning speciesism, I would like to invite you to listen to Tom Regan introduce to us the question: Do animals have any rights? There's an interesting interview after Tom's presentation.


? — [ T H E C A S E F O R A N I M A L R I G H T S ]

  1. Reading the prologue of Tom's book Empty Cages, "The cat" 0:12:30
  2. The common core of compassion we share and the three types of ARA: the Da Vincians, the Damascans and the Muddlers 0:17:20
  3. How does one answer to the question "Do animals deserve any right?" — The invitation of philosophy: to think for yourself, without fooling yourself 0:27:47
  4. Legal rights and moral rights — A right is a protection against the intrusion and excessive freedom of others 0:30:34
  5. But, do animals have rights? Important questions for inquiry — The structure of experience: the SUBJECT OF A LIFE ? 0:35:50
  6. What have other philosophers said historically? — How do we fool ourselves? The double standard 0:41:13
  7. Is it even relevant having a soul? — The deep implications of having rights and double standards 0:43:20
  8. So, do animals have rights? — Where not to find the answer 0:49:45

? — [ Q U E S T I O N S ]

  1. What's your opinion about the images shown? (not shown to us) — The difference of being somebody and something 0:52:47
  2. What about pets? — Guilt vs need — How do we show respect for them? 0:54:57
  3. Are you a philosopher or an activist? — I'm just sensible 0:58:11
  4. Which role had the Vietnam war in your life? — A butcher read Gandhi 1:00:08
  5. Are you a cult leader? — I just understood I had to be responsible 1:03:57
  6. Is Animal Rights the only "right" way? — Imposing vs persuading 1:06:16
  7. How far do you endorse illegal action in your campaign? — Responsibility 1:07:15
  8. Is the movement divided? — The role of the media in the perception of the Animal Rights movement 1:09:09
  9. Quite recently an animal rights activist has committed a murder — Animal Rights would never endorse this behavior 1:11:38
  10. Peter Singer's Bigger cages vs Tom Regan's Empty Cages — Well, where to begin... ? 1:13:19
  11. How can the law lead us towards Animal Rights? — The myth of humane treatment 1:16:26
  12. So, what legal instruments do we have? — The futility of legislation and the importance of education 1:20:30
  13. Is it ok to go to the zoo? — I admire Tom's uplifting way of answering 1:21:15
  14. You have written several film scripts — Agitate, agitate, agitate / Educate, educate, educate 1:23:40
  15. How realistic it is not using animals? — It can be real as far as we believe in human goodness ♥️ 1:26:48
  16. Have you seen any progress since you started your advocacy? — Yes! 1:28:13
  17. So, has humanity become a bit less hypocritical? — I think we are making progress 1:31:22
  18. Where are we now in the movement? — We are in the discussion phase, on our way for the critical mass ???1:31:54


What do you think? Should animals deserve any right? Should humans deserve any right?

Thank you for your time and attention ?


Edited by AprendizZo
Typos. Typos evreyhwere.

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This is a short documentary on Animal Rights and their relationship with veganism.

The site Ethical Vegan Education and its Youtube channel exist in an attempt to provide free, nonviolent vegan education to those people interested in learning about the foundation of Animal Rights.



Animals don't belong to us. Or do they?

Property is an hallucination. Nonveganism means normalized slavery, based on hatred and violence towards animals.

Edited by AprendizZo

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A few images pointing to what speciesism is:


Captura de pantalla 2021-09-23 a las 10.16.41.png

Captura de pantalla 2021-09-23 a las 10.09.39.png

Captura de pantalla 2021-09-23 a las 10.10.17.png

Captura de pantalla 2021-09-23 a las 10.11.31.png

Edited by AprendizZo

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