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Even though no-self is true, it's not the highest truth

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Even if love is delusional and theres nobody here this is just a dream.

Love is truer than no-self because it's aligned with feeling.

No-self there is nothing there. What are we gonna do, go back and forth with these retarded word games whenever I use the word "I" or "you" (then "nobody" comments "where is this "you" you speak of"?

It's not fun, it's not clever, it's total end game. The point is the game itself. Peeling the layers of self deception was an incredible experience. I don't give a fuck there's nobody having the experience ? it was real for me. And that's all that matters. When you are in it, it's real.

Leo is right, there's only 2 things to do, put yourself to sleep, then wake up to you being God (or that you've been Godding this entire time). All words are totally empty, we get it, but you are not gonna be a lot of fun at parties telling people they don't exist.

And of course this is Maya - there's no way Jim Newman could ever be a real person. Non-dual teachers hahhahahahahaha this cosmic joke hits different. No-self is something worth forgetting, and it will be forgotten (but only apparently). Well, "apparently" does the job. "Apparently" is good enough for ME. When the universe is selfing, meing, personing, then it becomes real AND THAT'S TOTALLY FINE.

Edited by iboughtleosbooklist

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I believe that no self is the beginning of spirituality, not its end. when you realize that the self is a tangle of thoughts that form an entity that suffers and is in permanent questioning, and that underneath that tangle there is nothing, no self, only the experience that occurs, it is enormously liberating. then the self returns, gets hooked and continues with its activity, but it becomes easier to deactivate it. I suppose that when it is deactivated in prolonged times, the doors of perception will open more and more, because without self, there is only opening .for now i disable it enough to see i've been living in madness because of a misunderstanding

Edited by Breakingthewall

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What you are saying does not make any sense.

After no self, there is nothing left. Even saying there is "Highest truth" does not make any sense at that point, because there is no point.

After no self, there is no after, no before, nothing.


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@Mosess refers (I suppose) to the self as an imaginary separate entity, which is a psychological resistance to the flow of the now that occurs out of the need for survival / acceptance and that becomes a phantom entity that creates a fictitious separation between you and what it's not you

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