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Operating as if Humans are Only thing that Matters

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It is funny to look at how us humans have been operating and to see how serious we take ourselves.

Being human may be a relatively new thing in the vast expanse of a potential infinity

You look at someone with the fancy clothing and the fancy home and how they act and all the social norms - it is like being in the bubble of - oh this is normal - this is how things have always been - - when it hasn't necessarily- we have been making it up but so many people act certain ways and we've seen the human way of operating so much that we feel it is all "normal" - - we manufactured the notion of what normal is and continue to do so - - the state of normal is constantly changing

Operating like - I am a human and only care about the human perspective

yeah there is no recollection/story of "us" before "human birth" so that may add to the perspective bubble

it is funny though because we are CONVINCING to ourselves that this way of behavior is some sort of NORMAL

humans may have only existed for like a blimp of infinity that is basically nothing and yet we are acting like it is EVERYTHING and make our world seem as such

But then yet all weird in terms of oneness and the unawareness that goes along with everyone/thing being me

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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to switch over from a human lens and start viewing from the infinity lens, or oneness lens, or whatever lens you want - whatever you identify as - and make up that story/perspective/meaning

yeah I guess its all a bunch of stuff popping up that we see and it just keeps on popping up but the stuff that is popping up is me.........and me is noticing...


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