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Stage Green Masculinity?

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What are some great examples which displays a healthy Masculine side of Stage Green?

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hmm, direct action to injustice, anything involving action and bringing about change. emotional boundaries, like green self improvement. 


these are some of the things that come up for me

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Responsive approach to employees and your business. In regards to the environment and treating them as actual people. 

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Well, for some folks in stage green, there is not such thing as masculinity.

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Although a more metamodern(yellow) perspective is way more useful and introspective.

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First define masculinity, then add the lens of green. The essence of masculinity is strength, feminine is softness. A strong masculinity at stage green will basically be in the service of green values - equality, environment, justice and rights. Tony stark comes to mind. 


Remember, that each stage integrates the below stage. You can be stage green and still be a billionaire like Tony Stark or Batman, you live amongst a orange world but with a green perspective. You have to work within the matrix, to shift the matrix after all. 

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I think that healthy stage green masculinity tends to seek justice, are more aware to patriarchy,

racism, climate issues, environmental issues, have more tolerance to LGBT, more rebellious and curious,

care about social issues. have healthier approach to sex, to equality in relationships,

tend to be vegan or vegetarian, tend to feel more comfortable with women and femininity. 

Edited by Random witch

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I'll agree with the above user. 

Stage Green masculinity means the man is very matured and has integrated the feminine in him. 

Stage Green men are more relatable to women and they understand empathy and emotions and have a much better understanding of their environment. 

They are less likely to be aggressive to women. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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This guy is imo quite stage greenish with a good integration of the other stages. 


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My father was one, possibly even stage Yellow - even though he was a Baptist deacon believe it or not. He was in the national guard band and was extremely physically fit. Was a dead shot with a rifle although he didn't hunt and never shot anyone. 

He was an intellectual who read constantly and who listened to and performed music all the time. He loved nature and was an organic gardener. He placed a high value on tolerance and was kind to people others rejected - poor people, alcoholics etc. He was an anti-racist. 

Whether he would fit into your definition or not, he was ahead of his time. I was lucky to have him, especially here in the conservative South. 

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guiding and leading your loved ones to their right path. 


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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