
Information And Its Pursuit.

1 post in this topic

On this journey it is necessary to consume a great deal of information,  for example as you mentioned, OSHO had read over 150,000 books in his lifetime.

What is the best way to separate the wheat from the chaff? What is genuine wisdom and what is not? How to should you select your teachers?

With limited time, quality information must be prioritised. What critical analysis skills must be developed in order to do this and how can they be best developed? (e.g. analysing scientific papers, books e.t.c)

I believe this to be a very foundational topic, and many of your followers (including myself) have a tendency to want you to spoon feed us information (what books to read, what is true and not true). It is time to build these capacities ourselves, as not to live in delusion about our ideas.


Thank you for your work Leo

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