
How do I harness my Gut feeling or Intuition ?

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I saw Leos video about harnessing intuition in which he says that you should practice it more and like a muscle it will become stronger but where do i start ? can someone help . Thanks 

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Intuition is basically the same as feeling/emotion.

Feel 'more'. Meditation, yoga, self-expression, listening to music, watching movies. Get emotional. Get in touch with the playfulness/magic of life. Be a kid.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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it begins with a daily sitting practice. Practice being aware of the breath. In doing that, many things will come up. Thoughts, emotions, resistance, pleasure, pain etc. Just return to the practice, again and again. Kindly but firmly. 

Then you begin to practice while doing your daily life. While walking, while running, working, cleaning, etc. Returning to the practice again and again. 

This will train you to be more conscious throughout your day so that you are able to feel more as you go through your life rather than thinking all the time compulsively. 

Once your thoughts start to wind down a bit your feelings will be more pronounced. When you take an action, if it is in accordance with Reality, you will feel bliss. If it is not in accordance with Reality, you will feel misery. This ability to feel whether what you are doing is in accordance is called your 'third eye'. 

Once you're able to feel the feelings, you will be able to see The Way. The Way is not to the left or to the right, it is in the middle. 



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Start letting your feelings guide you.  Maybe pick times throughout the day when, instead of using your logic, mind, or reasons to make decisions, go by your feelings. 

Also, spend time alone.  Then just ask and contemplate whatever question or decisions you have and then just see if you can feel a subtle sense, a more grounded and "solid"/certain sense of where you should or what the answer is.

I think for me, intuition can have different layers.  Like, some may say that feeling in general is intuitive.  So that could mean like gross feelings and desires you get through the day.  But I think the most powerful form of intuition comes from when you're able to sit in silence and pick up on a more subtle, yet more certain and solid, form of feeling.  Something that's not like a "Ah! I know exactly what I should do." (though it may be this).  But more of a "Hmmm I'm kind of getting the sense that I should move in this general direction...''. 

Of course there will be different permutations of this, but just try following and getting more access and familiarity with your feelings. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Just go for a walk someplace interesting or new and let intuition or whims guide you and lead you around. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I won't mention anything specific(because that would be contrary to Leo's guidelines). But what's helped me in the most in this area are certain paid courses. So I suggest you scour the internet for exactly that.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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