
Can one consciously get rid of a painful chronic 24/7 illness? 

18 posts in this topic

Can one consciously get rid of a painful chronic 24/7 illness? And if yes, how could one get such state of Consciousness that could achieve such task?

Or could someone please give me information of a healer that has such Consciousness state that could heal me? 

As a Conscious Being I also want to declare to the universe, so it makes sure that such suffering will not be experienced by another conscious being.

Thank you in advance, whether you reply or do not, have a nice day/night.  Namaste.

Edited by HereToLearn

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13 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

What's the ilness?

There is no official diagnosis yet, Doctors are powerless in my case and cannot answer for the reason of the illness. Because of this, knowing the power of Consciousness, and the fact that reality itself is Consciousness, I am putting my hopes on the power of consciousness, there is nothing left to do really.

In my case the health issue is a bucket of symptoms. 

  • Chronic pain and fatigue, + a "burning" sensation all over the body.
  • And (I am not kidding), also my bones are shrinking/deteriorating.
  • And almost constant lack of well-being, the body feels worn out as if it was recently beaten up by some thugs. 


Edited by HereToLearn

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Some monks do when they set themselves on fire and such. But I think generally you learn to notice the feeling but not suffer from the thoughts etc stemming from it.

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

Some monks do when they set themselves on fire and such. But I think generally you learn to notice the feeling but not suffer from the thoughts etc stemming from it.

Yes, but I am thinking more about, through Consciousness to heal oneself. I see this pattern in spirituality where people take the "passive" mode, but why not the "active" one? Consciousness is an active and powerful process. 

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@HereToLearn Hi buddy sorry to hear about this, a guy called Joe Dispenza is known to be a specialist in this field check him out he has a few books about this one called becoming super natural. Have you got tested for Lyme Disease I know that can suddenly appear one day as a very mysterious illness with a wide range of strange symptoms 

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26 minutes ago, Globalcollective said:

@HereToLearn Hi buddy sorry to hear about this, a guy called Joe Dispenza is known to be a specialist in this field check him out he has a few books about this one called becoming super natural. Have you got tested for Lyme Disease I know that can suddenly appear one day as a very mysterious illness with a wide range of strange symptoms 

Thank you sincerely Globalcollective! Appreciate it lots and lots of times. Never heard of Mr Dispenza and  Lyme Disease, will surely check it out.

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2 hours ago, HereToLearn said:

I am putting my hopes on the power of consciousness, there is nothing left to do really. 

What are you doing to raise your levels of consciousness? Are you doing daily mediation, surrendering techniques, daily inquiry techniques, Kriya Yoga/breathwork? Are you using psychedelics to have an Awakening? If things are that dire for you, and there is really nothing left to do, I would be shooting for Awakenings as much as possible, to explore my infinite self. There are theories out there, that if you raise your consciousness enough, it could be possible to willfully change the rules of the dream, meaning you can become a lucid dreamer of reality, meaning you can heal yourself. So if there is really nothing left to lose, why not go down this path and see where it leads?

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6 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

What are you doing to raise your levels of consciousness? Are you doing daily mediation, surrendering techniques, daily inquiry techniques, Kriya Yoga/breathwork? Are you using psychedelics to have an Awakening? If things are that dire for you, and there is really nothing left to do, I would be shooting for Awakenings as much as possible, to explore my infinite self. There are theories out there, that if you raise your consciousness enough, it could be possible to willfully change the rules of the dream, meaning you can become a lucid dreamer of reality, meaning you can heal yourself. So if there is really nothing left to lose, why not go down this path and see where it leads?

If I be honest, I have to agree with you, to go 100% in.  Consciousness is infinite, thus it is a possible possibility that a character within the dream, becomes lucid dreamer. I mean, we can imagine such scenario right? So at least we are conscious of the fact that it can be imagined, so it is possible. 

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Healing is discovered within, no healer can heal you, only teach you how to reach within. So, it is complex. Depends on your social structures and yourself of what you experience right now. 

I think this type of pain is due to some unresolved childhood issues, traumas, letting go, mistreat, remorse, expecting to much, etc. 


You can try an exercise, if does not work let it go. 

Exercise: telling myself i don't have pain, i have vitality, i have good disposition etc.

Edited by Goldzilla



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i have problems with my eyes, i surrender it all to God and in 9 months my eyes dont burn when i go go to sleep or I don't have blurry vision anymore but the road is long and hard, but you are on right track, infinite love should heal....

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22 hours ago, HereToLearn said:

also my bones are shrinking/deteriorating.

Are you saying a doctor said that is the case, yet did not give any diagnosis or treatment?

Yes consciousness heals. What have you done so far? Like daily meditation, yoga, reiki, retreats, breath work, trips, etc.? How is your diet?



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@HereToLearn I second the suggestion for Dr Joe Dispenza's work. When something is so dominant and present in your experience it is more challenging to overcome, but you can. Many people have. It requires more focus and discipline though. Dr Joe has helped many overcome chronic and terminal conditions. 

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On 8/6/2021 at 11:51 AM, HereToLearn said:

Can one consciously get rid of a painful chronic 24/7 illness?

Don't count on it.

Your best bet is to address the illness at the material level, since it likely has a material cause.

Consciousness can help you cope with and see past the illness if you are unable to cure it materially.

Do not make the mistake of trying to solve material problems using spiritual methods. Consciousness is not going to cure your broken leg. For that you go to a doctor.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Miracles can happen, but in most cases there are much quicker and easier ways, so it's kinda unwise to wait for a miracle to heal you unless you completely run out of options.

In fact, miracles don't happen until you reach a certain desperation threshold, it's usually an absolute requirement, and the answer is still the same.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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As I see it is that sometimes when you learn to let go and get out of your way healing can happen, but its not guaranteed. I've met two very rare people where that had happened but they had to go through hell to let that go during a 30 day retreat. that, however, is very rare and for the most people that won't be an option and won't work. I've also met a very experienced vipassana teacher who got cancer and he had 30 years of practice and a meditation center tried it that way and almost got killed because the cancer spread until it was almost to late. 

I guess it's important to learn to be at peace with it and look for a material solution if possible. 

Edited by Seeker531

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My father cured himself of anal fistula on his own, without any surgery. Going for surgery can unravel its own set of complications.

So to answer your question, yes, it is possible to consciously get rid of painful chronic 24/7 illness, and in my case, I witnessed first hand a person use yogic practices to get him out of a tough spot.

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