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A problem I'm facing with the Do Nothing meditation

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As I've been practicing this new kind of meditation, as with any kind, comes a time when I face issues with it and it is hard for my mind to stay still and cooperate.
After some time doing this technique I've developed a method (which is in development) - I have a mantra of wherever your attention goes, follow it so that you feel this comfy feeling, and let everything around you be.
The problem comes when thoughts are involved. Since this meditation means I'm free to think and accept my monkey mind then I'm 'letting myself think', then I'm caught up in something, then quickly realize that, and then I'm like 'let it be' (because at that point my tendency was to dismiss it) so I'm bringing the thought back and trying to let it continue. So this is exactly the problem. As you can see I am still trying to control my thoughts in very sneaky ways. I feel like I am sometimes slightly forcing myself to think and to control my thoughts a bit. This creates mental pain and I hate this feeling after meditation, especially when I expect to feel better afterwards.

So how do I let go and let my thoughts be the right way? How do I really 'let go'? Are there any straightforward ways to increase your ability to let go / your capacity to accept, and very easy and simple which isn't tricky and all that? 

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@fopylo Hey, I have similar things happening, not only during the do-nothging meditation, but also during the day.

So here are a few tips from different teachers.

Adyashanti: effortless effort, just center your self effortlessly and when you are lost in thought, center yourself back.

Shinzen young: If labeling makes you too racey, do-nothing. If do-nothing makes you too spacey, label.

Basically in the do-nothing meditation you discover, that every "object" is an additional layer of the onion. There's no more you controling the thinking as there is you in stopping thoughts, or controling awareness. You can simply observe how thoughts are being "suppressed" automatically, with curiosity on how your mind does that. Doing this will untangle the minds always manipulating itself.

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Notice the arising of the sense of self who takes ownership of the thoughts. It is also an object that can be observed. 

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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And if I observe that then I might get even more neurotic and lost in trying to take control of thinking. Observing becomes trying to take control and think it

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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

then I'm caught up in something, then quickly realize that, and then I'm like 'let it be' (because at that point my tendency was to dismiss it) so I'm bringing the thought back and trying to let it continue.


Bringing the thought back is doing. If you catch yourself dismissing thought then drop that intention. If a similiar thought comes up or not just let it happen.

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