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Energy Jolts

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Recently, my meditation came to the point of involuntary rocking (first back and forth and then side to side). I decided to start an allowing meditation practice to let the energy flow through my body completely while gently observing it. It goes crazy– from side to side, back and forth, around. However, now throughout the day, these 'energy jolts' hit me randomly. 

I am at a Starbucks right now reading and my body keeps involuntarily jolting. It feels and looks like I have Tourettes. I don't mind it; even with people around. I just am wondering what you guys think about this? It feels like energy is slapping me back and forth. One time before, it happened straight in my face as if someone pretended to throw a basketball at my face and I twitched as a reaction. That hasn't happened in a while though. It happens mainly in my torso.  

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