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Rebel Wisdom: Sensemaking 101

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Hey there!

Bought myself an eight-week course from Rebel Wisdom. I expect to get some useful knowledge and practice some skills on mindfulness, epistemology and shadow work.

There’ll be such guys like Doshin Roshi aka “The Shadow Roshi” and Daniel Schamachtenberger aka “Stage Yellow guy, in whom Leo fell in love” ?

Kidding, it’s me the one who fell in love with his brain and I will try my best to pick it up during the course.

I’ll be glad to see somebody from that forum join me. I guess it can be a great opportunity to make some friends or networking!)

P.S. Thank you, as always, @Leo Gura for sharing! I’m really inspired and motivated by Daniel and opportunity to build up my epistemology skills.

BTW, I thought it’ll be interesting if you’ve made some Daniel Schmachtenberger critique like Jordan Peterson video.

I mean, the bigger the model the bigger the problem, but it’s hard for me myself to notice his flaws and mistakes because I’m looking from below.

Seems like it can be beneficial for you from the marketing/gathering eyeballs POV also. This guy attracting a lot of attention and even appeared on the Lex Friedman’s podcast couple days ago. I’m sure, a lot of those who are into him may be also openminded enough for your work.

With conditional Love, Arsen! ❤️

Edited by Ar_Senses

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I might be taking the Sensemaking course with RW. Currently taking their Live Player course which I feel has been excellent so far. Yes, it's a good way to meet likeminded folks out there :)

Agree, a video where Leo talks more in-depth about the limitations of Stage Yellow would be interesting, though I suspect by the time most people are at Stage Yellow they're already fairly aware of what those limitations are ;) 

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