
Can you attract girls when you are not physically their type?

23 posts in this topic

On 5/19/2021 at 1:50 PM, Karmadhi said:

That is called the friendzone :)

What you may be interested to know is that women have a very real sense of fear and danger as a part of their biology.


This is different then how men operate which is why men run into big struggles when trying to attract women.


if she doesn't feel safe around you and that she can trust you then all bets are off the table for dating her.



Edited by Byun Sean

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Yes you absolutely can. Girls don't care about your looks, but make sure to groom yourself and take care of your hygiene.  :) 

...But what if the opposite is true?

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The only types they have is if you're confident and at their level of developement (Spiral Dynamics).

Unless you're really ugly, which is like 1 chance out of 1000 (so a diformity/handicap), 99% of your attraction is based on the first sentence.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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