
Confusion about God-realization

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So I'm having some confusions around God-realization. Although it's something so utterly unbelievable, i'm opening my mind to this and starting to become comfortable with this fact.

The other night when i was laying in my bed it dawned on me. "What if this is the only thing in the whole Universe? What if i'm God?" One of the first reactions was definitely "NO. NO! IT CAN'T BE! NO!". I just could't believe it. It was too radical. I couldn't handle. Still having hard time to handle.

Objections that come to mind are: "But i'm too petty and worthless to be God!" or when i see something incredible, beautiful or brilliant i think to myself "Ha! I'm not that smart! I'm not that awesome. I'm not that creative." Also the idea of existence of other people, beings, that others are having their own independent experiences is so convincing that it makes me wanna deny the fact that i'm God. 

Thank you for reading. I'd appreciate if you could help me unravel these.

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@Ook it's a mindfuck.  

It's like trying to describe 'nothing'..  What is nothing like? Well, you can't say.. to describe it, is to say 'nothing is like something'. 

Consider the phrase, 'A cat is a cat, except when it's not'. This is the type of mental gymnastics people perform when trying to 'describe' the indescribable. 

'God' is a nonsense word, like 'infinity'.. whatever you think it means, is not what it means, for the same reason you can't say what 'nothing is like'. 

"The map is not the territory' is a pretty good adage to use as a reminder.. The map (our concepts about what reality is) can not be 'the same as' the territory (what reality is).. without actually being the territory. 

You are looking for a really good map of the territory.. a description of how reality is, but no map will ever describe for you what 'being the territory is like' better than 'being the territory'.  


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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2 hours ago, Ook said:

or when i see something incredible, beautiful or brilliant i think to myself "Ha! I'm not that smart! I'm not that awesome. I'm not that creative."

How could you recognize incredible, brilliant or beautiful if you didn't have it in you to see it? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Ook oh keep in mind 


That the whole i am unworthy and i cannot be God is OoK saying it. And he is right. He cannot be and is not God

Only God is God 


And you are God as OoK right now 

To be God is to not be Ook 

A finger is not the body 

Only the whole body is the body 

For a finger to think.it is the body is ridiculous indeed. 


The objections arise from the limited thinking that it might be unlimited because it is impossible

For the unlimited, there's just silence in being it. KNOWING it. Not as an intellectual understanding like the total population of a city. But knowing it in a felt-way, like taste, sounds, touch is known. 






Love Is The Answer

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@Ook how do you know what God-realization is, without being God already? (thanks to @mandyjw for the hint)

All stories and explanations are false.

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All these objections are your ego talking.

Notice you didn't deliberately "think" all these thoughts. They just came out of seemingly nowhere, right?

That is the ego's job. To be negatively oriented, keeping you close-minded.

The ego's job is to keep your body alive. Not only that, but to also keep "itself" alive -- the illusion of being a separate self inside a body -- socially & hieracally, climbing the ranks among "the human status space" (we are fucking apes in uniform, man) or at least trying to make sure you don't fall down.

If you were open to, or even accepted that you were God (which actually is your true nature lol, but we could also call it Love or Pure Awareness), your ego is afraid you would stop pursuing sex, money, fame, achievements, success, all that jazz.

The ego's job is to tell you that you're miserable and not good enough. You mostly believe it. So it gets you up in the morning and makes you pursue things. Illusory betterment for a mental, social construct.

But by believing in it you will never become happy or at peace. Cos the ego naturally cannot be satisfied. It is always ready to tell you that you're a piece of shit and that danger is luring all around,... and thus you become afraid and at constant inner conflict on the inside - always looking for something external to make you feel fulfilled, if just for a brief moment: Sugar, sex, drugs, video games, junkfood, junk TV, small talking with other apparent egos, climbing the social ladder, getting higher salary, a new car, prettier muscles, new fancy fashion clothes, more power, more success, more achievements. 

This is the Matrix. This is enslavement. The movie, The Matrix, is an almost one-to-one analogy of the ego's power over us; its bars around our freedom.

Heck, we are all mostly unconscious addicts, enslaved by the ego. How do one get free? Consciousness. Awareness. Love. Conscious suffering & a deep authentic desire to be fucking free again.

Don't hate or love your ego. "Just" transcend it. Become conscious of its purpose, nature and mechanics.

The shadow & darkness of the ego cannot survive the illuminating burning light of your consciousness. Stay mindful. 

It is valuable to know that there are two primary ways in which you can see that a person is deeply enslaved by his or her ego.

It can indeed, namely, express itself two ways externally:

- the inflated selfish external persona that is constantly participating in one-upmanship, constantly reminding himself/herself that he/she is superior to all others (as a way to suppress the ego's negative thoughts).  You see that in people who are opportunistic, have zero integrity, and will do everything to achieve their ambitions, including hurting other human beings.

- the victim persona. Here the person has not "managed" to suppress the ego (by lashing outwards as in the inflated case). Instead the person has bought into the ego's negative thoughts, believing them. Thus the person think he or she is a terrible human being, not worthy of love, or even worse: not worthy of living (suicide can happen). This person is constantly afraid, and feels like the world is cruel. 

Indeed, to become a mature adult, you shouldn't suppress nor accept the ego's thoughts. Don't try to "stop" the thoughts either; cos you can't! You didn't start the thoughts, thus you cannot force them to stop either (only suppression/denying will happen, which makes you an inflated, selfish person).

As said, you should "just" become conscious of the ego's ways of behaving. Awareness alone is curative. By maintaining mindfulness, you can manage to see the ego unfolding its negative thoughts during the day & constrain yourself to not make the two possible mistakes of either *accepting* or *denying/suppressing* the ego's thoughts.

Don't accept ego (you will fill miserable if you do).

And don't suppress ego (it will come back a thousands time stronger, if you do).

Just be conscious of it! And let it all go.


Your true self is NOT the ego.

Your true self is Consciousness/God/Love/The Selfless Self/The Universe/ -- whatever you wanna call that ineffeable, mysterious formless "no-thing-being" that you truly are -- that innermost essential experience of 'being you', and which you deep, deep down know you are --- and will see yourself to be, if you can let go of the filters of ego.

Ego is not equal to personality either. In fact, a human being's true personality/soul will shine through much clearer if the ego is transcended.

Now, it is no easy task to transcend ego. It can take a lifetime. This is what life is all about: becoming your true self (you already are 'it', but realizing it!), becoming free.

Also just to note: the ego isn't "an entity". In fact it doesn't really exist at all. "Ego" as a concept is best described as an inner 'tension', a special form of inner "negative energy" that is constantly 24/7 trying to convince you - the real you - that you're 'a separate self' located inside a skull placed on top of a human body.

The ego's job is to make you feel guilty (or perhaps indirectly superior if you suppress that guilt). To make you feel anxious, afraid, angry, scared, like you lack something, like you desperately need x or y to become happy.

The ego works through comparing you with others. Through dividing, fragmenting and splitting up the outside world in "bad" & "good" objects. The ego creates dualities: good, bad, worthy, unworthy, pride, shame, etc. The ego attaches itself --- often totally unconsciously to you, cos you have bought into the belief that you ARE a separate self (ego) --- to all kinds of things: this person is bad, this person is good, this is MY girlfriend/boyfriend, this is MY enemy, this is MY country, this is the right religion/ideology/belief/, that country is evil, and so on and so on.

You thus become deeply attached to all kinds of objects, ideas, beliefs and persons. If your car or smartphone is damaged, it feels like YOU have been hurt, right? Your sense of identity is TOTALLY in the hands of the ego.

The ego unconsciously created a worldview for you. A lens through which you perceive and interpret the world.

The real you is experience itself! Consciousness. The perceiver is the perceived! The real you is equal to Love, Happiness, Peace. The real you is Whole. Oneness. It doesn't need or lack anything. It's completely at peace, cos it is in a sense nothing & everything simultaneously (non-duality). The ego and the logical mind cannot comprehend this, though. Don't even try to understand it, cos you will fail. 

The one who "wants" to understand it, in order to become 'superior', more powerful or 'better', is the ego. Likewise, the one who dismisses everything I wrote here is also the ego; protecting its own worldview, denying it could be otherwise. Close-mindedness is the job of the ego.

Spirituality isn't about "adding stuff' to oneself (that is the job of the ego). Instead, it is about becoming free (again) through constantly practicing greater and greater self-awareness. Thus, it is actually about "dropping stuff", letting go of unexamined beliefs and attachments. Thus, slowly, your inner true being is allowed to shine through your human incarnation more clearly.

We have to acknowledge that there are (sort of) positive things to say about ego as well (don't accept or love it though & don't hate it either): It keeps your alive. Its physical purpose is to keep you alive and make sure your genes pass on to the next generation.

Unconscious ego is the main issue.

When you have become fully conscious of the ego, it is naturally transcended and it's not really an issue anymore. Its energetic patterns/structures will still lay latent in the brain/mind and activate from time to time, but you are so conscious (of it) now, that you know when to listen to it, and - most importantly - when not to!

Thoughts/thinking in and by themselves is an amazing creative technology created by the brain (God) and is not an issue in and by themselves.

The ego, however, tries to make sure that you are constantly spending MUCH of your energy on:

- polising your self-image, the mask you pretend to the world/social groups/workplace/community
- thinking about how others perceive you, cos your ego REALLY wants to accepted by others, cos it believes this will allow higher chances for survival and gene-passing.
- worrying, regretting, perfectionism.

In fact, when you have transcended your ego fully, you will be AMAZED how much more energy you have available to divert into other activites such as:

creation, art, love, creativity, humour, laughter, crying, dancing, playing around, having fun, being empathic with others, building crazy projects, helping others, doing actual GOOD things for yourself and others (healthy eating, meditation, exercise, reading, spending authentic time with other souls).

But thoughts created *by the ego*, which you unconsciously attach yourself to (in lack of maturity/ wakefulness/love/consciousness/wisdom), is a BIG time problem and takes SO MUCH of your inner energy resources.

As long as you can stay mindful and not attach yourself to your thoughts, it's good. This is much, much easier said than done, though!

On a more metaphysical level, the ego is sort of "the shadow of God". God is Infinite & Eternal. The Infinite doesn't "know" it is Infinite cos it lacks the contrast of "finiteness" to be able to see/perceive/know its own nature: Unconditional Love, Selflessness, Absolute Infinity, Infinite Imagination, ... God.

Thus, God created the ego as a tool of (ultimately) being able to know Itself. 

But first: Leela. Play. Survival. Drama. Suffering. Fragmentation. Hide'n'seek.


And then: self-realization.....

Now that you know all this, go ahead and start slowly transcending your apparant (illusory) separate self (ego), so you for yourself can see your true immortality, divinity & Godhood. Practive Self-Love. Practice staying mindful. Meditation is inherently good.


Oneness is what is.
It's all One & Whole.
No real separation.
I am you. You are me.
Just Love. Just God.
Just magic. Just mystery.
Lila (Divine Play). 



Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@Ook Imagine walking through a forest. Wouldn't it be odd to say "That tree over there is separate from the forest and not the forest"? Of course. It's all the forest. Yet that tree could identify as a separate entity and think "How can I as a tree be Forest? The Forest is out there somewhere. I'm just a measly tree. Look: one of my branches is dying. I'm not as tall as the other trees. I have some mold on my trunk". . . What would we say to such a tree?. . . "Wake up! You are as much forest as anything else in the Forest! You are within forest and are Forest!!!". 

For a Forest entity to believe it's not Forest, it would need to separate itself from Forest and say "I am separate from Forest. . . Forest is out there somewhere". The tree would need to trick itself into believing it is separate from Forest. For example, the tree may have been told it's whole life that Forest is some supernatural entity in outer space and it would be egocentric for a tree to think it's Forest. 

Similarly for a God entity to believe it's not God, it would need separate itself from God and say "I am separate from God. . . God is out there somewhere". The human would need to trick itself into believing it is separate from God.

The term "God" can be loaded with prior conditioning and baggage. An intermediary step would be to first realize "I Am Reality (Forest)". And then realize that Reality = God. 

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when comparing not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough to be God, what about persons with Down's Syndrom, they ROCK! 

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2 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:


thank you so much ... need to read this a hundred more times x

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The thought of you being God is just a thought.

The thought of you not being God is just a thought.

In a sense; any conclusion is a form of delusion. Simply be and make no conclusions about it. Know nothing about it. Believe nothing about it. Freedom.

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10 hours ago, Ook said:

Objections that come to mind are: "But i'm too petty and worthless to be God!" or when i see something incredible, beautiful or brilliant i think to myself "Ha! I'm not that smart! I'm not that awesome. I'm not that creative." Also the idea of existence of other people, beings, that others are having their own independent experiences is so convincing that it makes me wanna deny the fact that i'm God. 

Thank you for reading. I'd appreciate if you could help me unravel these.

God is so utterly free and wild, that it can be limited -- for instance, in human form, with beliefs that one is actually exclusively a human living in separation.

If you take that previous sentence on as a belief, you're on the wrong path (though nothing is really wrong). Just contemplate it. Reality is reality. If you (let's assume for a sec that you're just a human) die, reality remains. But, are you not real? That you are real (reality appearing as an expression of reality) is the one self-evident truth. So, clearly you must not be exclusively a human, right?

When you release a false belief, evidence for that belief doesn't arise anymore. It's quite magical.

Edited by The0Self

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15 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

it's a mindfuck.  

It is


15 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

You are looking for a really good map of the territory.. a description of how reality is, but no map will ever describe for you what 'being the territory is like' better than 'being the territory'.  

Got it!


14 hours ago, Nahm said:

Stick with that. :) 

Yes :D


14 hours ago, mandyjw said:

How could you recognize incredible, brilliant or beautiful if you didn't have it in you to see it? 


13 hours ago, LastThursday said:

how do you know what God-realization is, without being God already?

Of course! :D


11 hours ago, Forestluv said:

For a Forest entity to believe it's not Forest, it would need to separate itself from Forest and say "I am separate from Forest. . . Forest is out there somewhere".

Good analogy!


14 hours ago, SoonHei said:

For the unlimited, there's just silence in being it. KNOWING it. Not as an intellectual understanding like the total population of a city. But knowing it in a felt-way, like taste, sounds, touch is known. 



11 hours ago, blackchair said:

when comparing not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough to be God, what about persons with Down's Syndrom, they ROCK! 

Haha yes!

10 hours ago, ivankiss said:

In a sense; any conclusion is a form of delusion. Simply be and make no conclusions about it. Know nothing about it. Believe nothing about it. Freedom.

Love it!


6 hours ago, The0Self said:

God is so utterly free and wild, that it can be limited -- for instance, in human form, with beliefs that one is actually exclusively a human living in separation.


That's indeed wild 

6 hours ago, The0Self said:

Reality is reality. If you (let's assume for a sec that you're just a human) die, reality remains. But, are you not real? That you are real (reality appearing as an expression of reality) is the one self-evident truth. So, clearly you must not be exclusively a human, right?


@WaveInTheOcean Thank you so much for your reply!!

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21 hours ago, Forestluv said:

@Ook Imagine walking through a forest. Wouldn't it be odd to say "That tree over there is separate from the forest and not the forest"? Of course. It's all the forest. Yet that tree could identify as a separate entity and think "How can I as a tree be Forest? The Forest is out there somewhere. I'm just a measly tree. Look: one of my branches is dying. I'm not as tall as the other trees. I have some mold on my trunk". . . What would we say to such a tree?. . . "Wake up! You are as much forest as anything else in the Forest! You are within forest and are Forest!!!". 

For a Forest entity to believe it's not Forest, it would need to separate itself from Forest and say "I am separate from Forest. . . Forest is out there so

Imagine walking through a forest. Wouldn't it be odd to say "That tree over there is separate from the forest and not the forest"? Of course. It's all the forest. Yet that tree could identify as a separate entity and think "How can I as a tree be Forest? The Forest is out there somewhere. I'm just a measly tree. Look: one of my branches is dying. I'm not as tall as the other trees. I have some mold on my trunk". . . What would we say to such a tree?. . . "Wake up! You are as much forest as anything else in the Forest! You are within forest and are Forest!!!". 

For a Forest entity to believe it's not Forest, it would need to separate itself from Forest and say "I am separate from Forest. . . Forest is out there somewhere". The tree would need to trick itself into believing it is separate from Forest. For example, the tree may have been told it's whole life that Forest is some supernatural entity in outer space and it would be egocentric for a tree to think it's Forest. 

mewhere". The tree would need to trick itself into believing it is separate from Forest. For example, the tree may have been told it's whole life that Forest is some supernatural entity in outer space and it would be egocentric for a tree to think it's Forest. 

Similarly for a God entity to believe it's not God, it would need separate itself from God and say "I am separate from God. . . God is out there somewhere". The human would need to trick itself into believing it is separate from God.

The term "God" can be loaded with prior conditioning and baggage. An intermediary step would be to first realize "I Am Reality (Forest)". And then realize that Reality = God. 

Amazing analogy, that tree-forest one❤️❤️❤️

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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21 hours ago, gettoefl said:

thank you so much ... need to read this a hundred more times x

22 hours ago, Forestluv said:


11 hours ago, Ook said:


@WaveInTheOcean Thank you so much for your reply!!


17 hours ago, The0Self said:

@WaveInTheOcean Fantastic comment ^^^

Thank you gentlemen. It warms my heart to see that someone found my ramblings useful. Was just at work on the phone (nothing to do) and OP's questions initiated in me a state of flow.


*present to the world

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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22 hours ago, Forestluv said:

An intermediary step would be to first realize "I Am Reality (Forest)". And then realize that Reality = God. 

Reality = God = existence

Love Is The Answer

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Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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15 hours ago, Kalo said:

You are beautiful bro, including you believing yourself to not be beautiful. 

Become conscious that you, as Reality and Existence itself, are totally Perfect.

This is literally a fact.

Thank you bro! I'll remember that :)

16 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:



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