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Retraining Thinking?

3 posts in this topic

i all,

I'm posting this because I'm unable to find anything online about this topic.

My aim is to retrain the way I think about my job. Currently, it's like I'm passive and weak when it comes to taking actions and being thorough. However, this is causing all kinds of problems for me.

I work with a Manager and I do similar work to him and I'll be working on an account and he'll come along and ask how I'm getting along and he'll suddenly ask questions I hadn't thought of and he can resolve issues quickly. I seem to miss all of this. To give you some examples:

I've been contacting a client by email; he asked why I hadn't phoned? Yes, why didn't I?

Another account I've worked on - they weren't completing work I have sent over; he asked if I had told them or escalated it? No, again I had not.

I can provide many more examples of this.

Overall, my work is good but it falls short of where I want to be. My question is - can I retrain how I think about the above issues and be decisive and thorough and have it where I've covered the issues my manager will also cover?

The only thing I can do is write out the entire episode and list all the potential actions I can take so next time, I have a kind of 'mental script' to refer to. Also, it seems to help if I see myself as a Manager and somebody came to me with those issues, I know exactly what to do. Yet when I think of myself doing it, I become passive and weak.

Any ideas?

Thanks all,


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That's because you are afraid and lazy. 


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15 hours ago, ll Ontology ll said:

@LeeMills77 start thinking more predictively. There’s a sequence and array of patterns that you must follow to complete your job, this in preparation for that as one of your only roles is to internally map those patterns and their nuances. The more you practice the mapping the easier it will be. Avoid settling for memorisation for creativity and the flexibility to do so will be much more readily available to you when you’re always in this kind of motion.


Hi Ontology,


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, that is a very good suggestion. I'll think of ways of mapping out patterns to respond to new situations.


Thanks again,



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