
Just going with The flow

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"What I know is that I don't know"

That's something I've heard often, but do I actually UNDERSTAND what that means? What is "not knowing"? What is "ignorance"?

What's True? Not just apparently true, but TRUE! I appear to not know that. I appear to be ignorant. A small little stupid monkey on a spinning rock. But this is just what appears to be true. Even though it appears to be true, it doesn't change the fact that I still don't seem to know.

When people say "I know that I don't know" they seek security in that knowing. But what is it like to actually not know? Imagine not even knowing that you don't know? Is that even possible?

I mean can God truly "not know" something, or is does God "know" at all times? You could obviously say that I am God being a human that doesn't know, but is that even true or is it just a game that I'm playing for my own entertainment? Am I just acting right now?

I'm a real good actor if I am. I've managed to convince even myself of my act. And when I'm talking about myself I'm talking about you too!

Unless you can see though this act. Shout out to you!

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I assume that I exist. That's an assumption. I'm not saying that I don't exist, but rather that I can't say anything about that "I" that is "existing". What does it mean to "exist" as "a" "self"?

That's the running assumption. There is me, the human, existing as a separate self, or rather all the thoughts referring to "me the separate self". But how is that "me" any realer than a character in a book or a movie? How am I any realer than Luke Skywalker? Because I have "my own internal experience"? That seems like a rather arbitrary line to make.

The character of Luke might not have an "internal experience", but he has still had a real world influence. Maybe he doesn't have the same relationship to existence as a physical person, but why does it matter if his "existence" has actual consequences in the "real" world? He has probably inspired a lot of children, people dress like him and swing around toy light sabers, he probably made people cry and feel all sorts of emotions. So how can "I" claim to "exist" any more than "that"?

Maybe that's where non-duality comes in, in that you collapse the duality between "self" and "other" to arrive back at "existence" (Joke is you never arrived because you've never left). True Existence.

But that's also an assumption. That there is a true existence as opposed to a false existence. What if there merely is Existence and it is whatever it is? That seems like the simplest answer. Ironically this would answer everything and nothing alike. There still appears to be a human searching for answers, who simultaneously wants to end his seeking.

I want to stop seeking, but I'm fucking addicted to that shit. It's like you're punching yourself and you want to stop punching yourself so you keep punching yourself some more in order to eventually arrive at a point where you can stop punching yourself. You're trying to stop the questions with questions.

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@Sidra khan Yeah it's pretty trippy. Never tried DMT, but I imagine it to feel somewhat similar to this, though I wouldn't recommend jumping out of an airplane to get that effect... xD

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Object oriented thinking:

To human mind tends to try and put things into boxes. We invent words and descriptions for the different relationships within reality (object oriented thinking being one of them), but none of these words can capture the complexity and nuance of these relationships. Take a relationship between a man and a woman. We would call that a relationship, but a relationship isn't a THING. It's not something you can touch, or see, or hear, or feel. You can't hang it up on your wall. It's much more subtle, organic and authentic. It's a dance between energies and it must be approached on an energetic level. Saying "I want a good relationship" won't help. Moving into feeling and having some awareness of your energies will help, because it will allow you to perceive how your energies interact with other people. From there you'll be able to naturally move into what you'd call a relationship. If you don't feel, that you can't let go of those things that hold you back from living your life.

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On 9/19/2023 at 1:12 AM, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Take a relationship between a man and a woman. We would call that a relationship, but a relationship isn't a THING. It's not something you can touch, or see, or hear, or feel. You can't hang it up on your wall. It's much more subtle, organic and authentic. It's a dance between energies and it must be approached on an energetic level. Saying "I want a good relationship" won't help. Moving into feeling and having some awareness of your energies will help, because it will allow you to perceive how your energies interact with other people. From there you'll be able to naturally move into what you'd call a relationship.

A good description of what I was talking about:

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The choiceless choice.
It's when the rift between free will and a lack thereof collapses into itself. A black hole being sucked into itself by its own gravitational pull.

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We have lots of beliefs about our beliefs. A scientists might believe that materialism isn't a believe, a spiritual person might believe that it is. Doubt is weaponized and used to further one's agenda. Ironically, the things you've never doubted are the things you should doubt the most. It's understandable though. These are the things that are the scariest one's to question, because they give you the very floor you're standing on. Pull them away and you're taking a free dive through consciousness, falling into an infinite amount of directions simultaneously. So I don't want to shit on this whole idea of not questioning your assumptions. They give each of us a ground to stand on and I respect them as such.

The only reason you would question an assumption would be that there is something greater than that assumption pulling you. On one level this might manifest as the pain caused by the assumption, at other levels you could say that LOVE is pulling the strings, but the bottom line is that we're all made from the same thread of yearn. The force that makes you question an assumption is the very force that made you adopt that assumption to begin with. When another person is taking something for granted, it's happening through the same force that you're breaking your belief structures apart with.

If Consciousness wants to appear as a human it will appear as a human. If it then wants to question itself AS that human, it's free to do so. If it doesn't want that to happen it's not going to happen. When you encounter the ignorance of man, try to meet it with some compassion. The reason you can see beyond their ignorance is the same reason they're ignorant.

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