
Internalized capitalism

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signs of internalized capitalism:

Feeling guilt and shame for resting or taking a break 

your self worth is largely based on doing well in your career 

placing productivity before health 

feeling bad for not producing enough or working fast enough 

Believing that hard work = happiness 

feeling like you are being lazy, even when experiencing pain, trauma or adversity 

Using busyness as a way to avoid your needs 

Looking down on people who ‘get less done’ 

judging others for being ‘behind’ in life 

Bulldozing yourself 

pushing kids to get stuff done even when it’s taking a toll on them 

Praising people based on money or material possessions 



Edited by intotheblack



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All of this doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with capitalism ? 

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2 hours ago, Dryas said:

All of this doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with capitalism ? 

People internalize the values of being a "winner" in the competitive arena of capitalism. That is, everyone wants to be rich and famous. It is true that no one is obligated to adopt such values, but our culture at large encourages these values through advertising, tv shows, movies, etc.

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52 minutes ago, Boethius said:

People internalize the values of being a "winner" in the competitive arena of capitalism. That is, everyone wants to be rich and famous. It is true that no one is obligated to adopt such values, but our culture at large encourages these values through advertising, tv shows, movies, etc.

This happened for a reason. The 'emphatic' societies historically got wiped out by the 'competitive' ones. So who wants to risk to experiment with 'nice creative' culture creating?


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2 hours ago, Boethius said:

People internalize the values of being a "winner" in the competitive arena of capitalism. That is, everyone wants to be rich and famous. It is true that no one is obligated to adopt such values, but our culture at large encourages these values through advertising, tv shows, movies, etc.

This seems like something what humans do more generally than capitalism 

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I'm pretty sure even during caveman times that the tribes that had the best weapons and most food were the dominators.  Like the person above said I think it's just human nature but IMO also mixed in with indoctrination of making these things the goal when you "grow up".  You can't even take all this shit with you when you die, so at the same time it's all completely bullshit

which is very liberating if you know it's complete bullshit because you can enjoy this bullshit for what it is--instead of making it completely your identity.

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