Eren Eeager

GOD VS suffering.

26 posts in this topic

 I need an episode where Leo talks about this point extensively, which is why Does God allow suffering. God being infinite vs suffering of all of its creation.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Because 'not allowing' something (suffering) would be a limitation. And God is limitless. 

Unconditional Love includes and 'allows' absolutely everything. Otherwise it would not be unconditional.

This can seem confusing or even unjust at times, but it actually makes perfect sense. 

If this is truly realized; it leads to deep healing and slowly but surely eradicates all suffering from one's experience.

Edited by ivankiss

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Remember, the only one actually experiencing the suffering is God Itself (Oneness).

Now, why would God willingly imagine experiences/lives where He/She/It goes through a lot of suffering?

The answer is probably the same as to why you would go watch a sad/violent/horror movie.

Excitement. Contrast. How can I know Goodness, Love, Happiness, Joy, Bliss if those 'goodies' were all I was experiencing 24/7 ?? I wouldn't appreciate the Good, just as a fish doesn't appreciate/knows the water, since water is all it knows.

Listen to Alan Watts in this marvelous song 


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Why does it hurt when you abuse your body? Because you are acting against yourself, the pain is actually a loving, guiding indication. Psychological suffering works the same way. When we hold perspectives about ourselves that aren't True and aren't going in the direction of what we want to create, it hurts. It's telling you to drop the perspective, drop the thought or choose another one. It's incredibly simple and amazingly Fair but most of us have been taught to let the mind be king, because that's who we are. Turns out feeling, Love and Truth are so intimately intertwined, and so intimately what we really are that we can't disconnect ourselves from that without feeling awful. Yet we still have the freedom to do so. Unbelievable, perfect Love. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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20 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

why does God allow suffering. God being infinite vs suffering of all of its creation.

Notice usage of terms. This construct has multiple seperate things: god (1), suffering (2) and god's creation (3). 

This is the common construct of traditional religions - that there is a separate entity (god) that created everything and allows suffering.

This is the classic religious dilemma: if there is an all-powerful god that created everything, then why would this god allow suffering?

Yet there is another understanding in which "God" is not a separate being. 

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

Because 'not allowing' something (suffering) would be a limitation. And God is limitless. 

Duck, uppercut... KO'd! ;) 

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Suffering comes from negative valanced perceptions. 

The ego fabricates and projects this negativity.

Nothing is inherently negative. 

All is inherently unconditional love. 

Why does God allow for these false perceptions?

Because the true perception dependently arises with these false perceptions. 

Truth would be meaningless without the context of falsity. 

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23 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

 I need an episode where Leo talks about this point extensively, which is why Does God allow suffering. God being infinite vs suffering of all of its creation.

Life is suffering, but God is not suffering nor happiness. It is just what it is. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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This is known as the problem of evil in theology. Evil is a cause of human suffering. There are two types of evil:

moral evil - the acts of humans which are considered to be morally wrong

natural evil - natural disasters.. such as earthquakes or tsunamis. While religious people justify moral evil as a result of choice and God giving humans free will and put them into 'test' because of the original sin. 

From an atheist pov.. There is no God. There never was. And evil is simply our human misunderstanding of natural phenomenon. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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So God is 1, nothing and infinite. However u can't understand that he is also suffering? Why would that be excluded? Why do u even pay attention to suffering, u spend much more time everyday sleeping than actually suffering. U just suffer because u want up without down. How u find no problem on pleasure but u do with suffering? How would u know what pleasure is without suffering? U understand things by contrast. Also why do u name things? Like wtf, the moment u say a wave u don't see anymore the ocean, the same this eternal labeling and mental gimnastic just breaks down unity into non-sense. It's just an ilusion what u are going through right now, not saying it's false, a rope in the dark can be confused by a snake, in your understanding the snake is very real, the ilusion is real, however when light comes the Truth is revealed. Bring light to your understanding, raise your conciousness and u will see the higher/bigger picture. If not u can pass lifetimes reflecting in this level, or rise up beautiful soul.

Lots of love <3

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@The Buddha

Some consider it to have been present in the world from the beginning as the work of evil forces.

Some believe it is part of God's creation which may have a purpose that humans cannot understand.

Some consider it to be the outcome of ignorance and to have no beginning.

Most religions teach that moral evil should be opposed. Attempts should be made to minimise the impact of natural evil.

Most people experience suffering at some time in their life. Religions attempt to explain suffering, help people to cope with it and learn from it. For some religious people, the fact that people suffer can raise difficult questions about why God allows this to happen.

Some people say that God allows humans to make decisions for themselves and that suffering is caused by the choices that people make.

To me.. All that fails short 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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You can suffer only if you have a point of view to defend. You suffer because you believe in the existence of a separate "I" that is going to die. From the highest stand point, suffering it's impossible. The experience of suffering is the ego resisting the Present. No ego, no suffering, just Consciousness. Transcend the ego, and suffering becomes ecstasy. In the present moment you are always safe, even if you are experiencing burning at the stake.

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On 4/7/2021 at 4:38 PM, Eren Eeager said:

why Does God allow suffering. God being infinite vs suffering of all of its creation.

You’re assuming God would know what you’re talking about. If the question was why does a unicorn allow suffering, first you’d make sure there is a unicorn and that it is allowing suffering, and then it might make sense to question why.

What if you’re the unicorn, but don’t know it? 

Why do you allow suffering? 



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I think if Leo knows the last number of PI then he might also be able to answer the question.

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I think you will get in on YT 

Just search with the words 

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suffering makes the ego feel good about itself, you can stop suffering simply by deciding not to

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@Someone here

On 9/4/2021 at 4:02 PM, The Buddha said:

If not u can pass lifetimes reflecting in this level, or rise up beautiful soul.

The point is it doesn't matter what different religions, philosophies, ideology... Said that weird rope is, some say snake, some say it's beautiful or scary, some say it is an spaghetti, other say that it does not exist... There is no point, unless you change your perspective, turn on the lights and check for yourself. This is the only way. Either you find a guru or u become the guru. U must rise up, u are stuck I can really feel it. This is the universe message for you, take it or leave it.

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@The Buddha I agree with you and that's basically what I said in the end of my previous comment... "it all falls short to me".. 

Life is the house of illusion.. of narcissism.. of love. If you can't submit to that.. and if you're not efficient enough.. you're gonna get kicked out soon. Life cares.. but death doesn't. Life wants you to spread delusion.. to spread love. It's all fine. Maybe you don't belong here. Maybe you're already dead. Who knows? 

Life is also the house of duality. of balance... of opposites. You can't just go and live in the extremes. Like this everything is love nonsense. You gotta always level down to where things are at. The more paradoxical and complicated you are.. the more blessed you'll be. Life worships complexity and it walks over simplicity. Deny that and see. You will die.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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On 8/4/2021 at 7:03 PM, Forestluv said:

Notice usage of terms. This construct has multiple seperate things: god (1), suffering (2) and god's creation (3). 

This is the common construct of traditional religions - that there is a separate entity (god) that created everything and allows suffering.

This is the classic religious dilemma: if there is an all-powerful god that created everything, then why would this god allow suffering?

Yet there is another understanding in which "God" is not a separate being. 

@Forestluv Are u trying to say that a part of God IS suffering ? ?

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