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Developing concentration

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Has anyone consistently done concentration practice? I can barely do 5 minutes of pure concentration practice. Curious what the best way to build this up is and how to add more time

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Buy the book "the mind illuminated" 

Concentration practice is a really important part of the path and Leo's video on the topic falls far short. 

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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Yes everything you need to learn about developing concentration is in the book "The Mind Illuminated" Extremely powerful system.

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@herghly Yes, that's how you get the best results from meditation. Most people say you should focus on the breath on the tip of the nose because it's subtle and requires a lot of concentration to notice the in/out breath and break. So do that as intensively as possible. Play with more relaxation or more wakefullness to see when you're able to focus best.

After a while you should be able to enter access concentration. effortless locking attention on the sensation with subtle thoughts coming and going in the background.

From there you can get into jhana 1.

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