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How to let go of control? (Family)

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Hi there

I'm having a slight difficulty within myself. There is a tug of war going on inside of my mind with regards to me wanting to help my brother out. He flunked his first term and it's a somewhat important year to get his act together. 

I've introspect  on the matter and it seems part of it is a projection of wanting control a narrative that should go right for him.. As I wasted my opportunity years ago only towards the end of the year because I was not handling trauma and emotional turmoil well enough in my teens

He is sucked into the pop culture sensationalism like Tik Tok Twitter and Ytube. Sometimes I express my disdain but feel bad since I was time on social networks myself sometimes. We do laugh about what they show on these social media apps because I'm trying to be where his at in life. 

I notice parental tendancies coming out too. 

Part me wants to deny helping so he can help himself .. While the other part so wishes to advise him.. And not for it to come of as controlling... 


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