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Has anyone tried Wonder psilocybin chocolate bars?

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Just got mine in the mail. It says each piece contains 250mg psilocybin. It also says that a moderate dose is roughly 4 pieces, which amounts to 1000mg! Based on what I've read, that's a MASSIVE dose! The bar, in its entirety, is supposedly equivalent to 3 grams of mushrooms.


I've done 3.5 gram trips probably a dozen times, but I was young and ignorant back then and only did it for recreation. Now I'm revisiting psychedelics five years later and I'm doing them for personal development work.  I want to take a powerful enough dose to induce a deeply altered state of consciousness, but I don't want to overdo it. Can anybody here shed light on dosing protocol? Would one piece suffice? Most of the dosing guidelines I've found speak in terms of grams, rather than mg.


Also, has anyone tried this product before?

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