
Translators Should Be Educated In Order To Help Elevate Their Nations

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I just have this idea that content should be translated to many languages, and that we should do this through freelancer translators. I believe in doing so, many translators will be educated during the process, and I see translators as important part of the societies who have the ability transform their societies and create sort of harmony nations nations. They sort of represent the interfaces for different nations.

In Arabic nations for example, we always see those translators almost always pick parts of speech of western politicians, and take it out of context, and then translate it and present it to the mass, and in doing so, they are working against creating understanding between nations.

Example this Trump videos, where the translator has assembled all Trump said during his campaigns and presented it as an evidence that the US is an evil country, not mentioning the context which is election campaigns:

If I had the money, I would hire a team of translators, and make them all work together through a collaboration process. I imagine at some point, they won't help it but to be transformed, and then they will be sort of ambassadors for what stand for, and they will help their nation create bridges with the rest of the world.

Edited by Mesopotamian

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Leo has already said he doesn't want this.

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