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The Ignorance Of Bhakti Yoga

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I wen to  a bhakti yoga session where I went to practice meditation in a group of about 15. The meditation consists of chant using the words hare, krishna, and rama in various orders. The words are purportedly  the most spiritually sound words. I did not experience any greater meditative experience at this session than I do listening to Leo's guided meditation exercise. The yoga leaders say that the words themselves have the power when saying them but I think that the power is just you focusing on the silence beneath the words once saying the words has become a subconscious habit.  

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Bhakti yoga is something that it is beyond logic. This yoga doesn't imply the use of intellect. So you are right when you say that Bhakti is ignorant, in a sense it is. I don't think it's stuff that fits with you... But don't categorise it as bad, it can be very useful when done by the people who fit in.

They didn't even call it with the right name :D which is Mantra Yoga. What you tried there is Mantra Yoga.
Bhakti yoga is the yoga of love and devotion for god or for some enlightened master. It doesn't consist of repeating sounds, even if mantra yoga can be used as a way to concentrate on god or the beloved master...

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